
Start in Leipzig: Abschiebeflug nach Afghanistan started

Start in Leipzig: Abschiebeflug nach Afghanistan started

The beginning of the Taliban’s power during the three years was a Abschiebeflug of Germany after the start of Afghanistan. The Saxon Ministry of the Interior shared with, the Machine is free from Flughafen Leipzig/Halle abgehoben tomorrow. This is your message about the “Spiegel” message.

It is the first flight after Afghanistan that has taken over the power of the Taliban, while the German press agent works with the best Behördenkreisen. The dpa where the “Spiegel” information is the best, won at 6.56 a.m. a Qatar Airways charter jet from Leipzig from the direction of Kabul. In the Boeing 787, which is on 28 Afghan Straftäter, the different federal states are brought to Leipzig. The organization is organized by the federal action of the Federal Ministry of the Interior.

Germany no longer has diplomatic relations with the Taliban-Machthabern in Kabul. After the rule of Mannheim, Kanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) has been given the power to combat the Abschiebung of Schwerst-criminellen and terrorist attacks in Afghanistan and Syria.

The intention is to provide citizens with the greatest political motivation to carry out their terrorist attacks. Reinforced penalties can be used to ensure safe access to a large area within this area.

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