
Diese 8 Varieties mögen’s gemütlich

Diese 8 Varieties mögen’s gemütlich

Many breeds of dogs are perfect companions for people who are a cozy alltag with little upward movement. TAG24 represents a single breed series.

There are a number of different levels you can prepare for Centenarians über rough Hunderassen fündig.

Hundreds of breeds with pugs or bulldogs schieben or a rough Kugel.

Hundreds of breeds with pugs or bulldogs schieben or a rough Kugel. © 123RF/fongleon356

A dog comes from his heart, an agile Spiele is no longer so hectic and aesthetic, when he sees that he is like that. It is not that there is an example, but it is a dog that is breed typical.

Rough Hunderassen are for the person a good thing, who does not have Hund yet, but first learn a few things, with Hunden embraced. For an active family, it fell in a different way with the Hund games, and that time is never so. If you do not notice the problem, you will not be helped or learned more. It is a good sign.

For other people, the Alltag was along the other side of the world, or viewings for the human, it fell in the home office and a rough Alltag could be that the Hunderassen were good in the beginning.

TAG24 proposes Dir einige Beispiele vor.

Ruhige Hunderassen ohne Jagdtrieb

The hunt is a heavier factor, the active dogs became less. If the Spürnase runs a bicycle on or sees a rabbit in the grass, it does not stop anymore. Many of their friends are at some level involved in solving the situation.

They heard the loud hunts and hunts:

1. bulldog

Bulldogs are the concept of Gemütlichkeit among dogs. An example of energy and energy is the most important thing, the warming of the energy in the Alltag-gedient, the rough dogs, who call, probably fallen, kiss and only short spaziergänge need.

2. Mop

Also the Pug is a wild Hunderasse and loves Nickerchen a weichen, warm Plätzen. Who has had a Bulldog who has lost a small amount was one of the things that was worth it, but the goal was. The playing and playing is the best thing that happened, the long playtime has never been so good.

Neufundländer is a healthy Giant with a lively and persistent character.

Neufundländer is a healthy Giant with a lively and persistent character. © 123RF/farewell

3. New Zealand

If you often involve the Neufundländer; zu Recht, ist toch an extremely ausgeglichener, zurückhaltender, quieter dog, der gern alles with power. Faul is no longer suitable. It is a good idea to take a ​​​​rougher trip when walking and life, and to wait and have patience on the page of Herrchen or Frauchen. The Element water is overloaded, whereby the wash waters can disappear relatively quickly. Neufundländer brings nothing so quickly from the Ruhe and is a beautiful family dog.

4. Bernard dinner

Also Bernhardiner überzeugen as large and imposing, but in the ground right damage, quiet Hunderasse. If you call, it is a good and respectful inflößend – once you do that, then your ausgelassene, healthier natural power is your baked crust, which is not all like that. Bernhardinern is in its great offensive not conscious, it is one of the best things I have done and I have remained a haltern – a large bank that is also with that race, but on the sheaf is the Welpenalter schnell kein Platz meer.

5. Chow Chow

A larger big teddy bear is the Chow-Chow. There are no more roads that cover Fells, the big round Kopf and the small Ohren, among other things, because this Hunderasse has a very relaxed and back-to-school Gemüt. There is a loyal and self-confident attitude – when it comes to the art of an observant Wachhund, the aggressive attitude is very likely.

The Chow Chow does not suffer from:

Grundsätzlich that your dog’s natural resources are of good hunting, both of the breeds are of great importance. If you are teaching a Varieties, you should try this Brand Jig during the extra far work.

Ruhige Hunderassen: proud hunting entspannt and leise

If you have one of the only problems, it may be that one of the best ways is to get a small active level or one of the things that you can do, as it is, and it is so bad that it is not going well. That counts among other races:

1. German Mastiff

The German Mastiff is by its great size uncannily imposing, for a single father it is so that it is furchteinflößend. It is a great friend of Hunderasse. Although it is a right high energy level and an enormous amount of energy, it is likely that one of the most valuable dogdekkers, which can reach their enormous size, the Herrchen or Frauchen the goose Tag treiben was. The Dogge has a noble past and was early at the court ​​as a hunting dog set up, but also as a splendid shelter for princes content. If it is one of the most sustainable, social and extreme economic activities, it is worth coming out of the Ruhe and choosing the vergleichsweise.

The Great Danes are busy with their hunting activities on the Hunderasse.

The Great Danes are busy with their hunting activities on the Hunderasse. © 123RF/farewell

2. Basset Hound

Obwohl der Basset-Hund ist een richtiger Jagdhund with ausgeprägtem Jagdtrieb ist, ist er trotzdem straight ahead and a very rough Hunderasse. There is a spa and magic game that is probably not a Herrchen or Frauchen that ends up in the Haut-faulen.

3. Mastiff

Mastiffs have a different appearance and gilts as former breeds; A single Mastiff is spotted in the Great Danes, Bernhardinern and other Bulldogs. Your Being is a matter of trust, care and everything that has to do with you. Trotzdem is the Mastiff who is a wonderful family dog, who protects his “Rudel”.

Mastiffs can grow up to be a large dog, if they have their own good natured, quiet dog.

Mastiffs can grow up to be a large dog, if they have their docile, quiet dog. © 123RF/jgcreativeconcepts

Magst du lieber Action in Alltag, dann schaue mal hier:

Do you have another Hunderasse besser zu mir?

Grundsätzlich is a man who makes sure that Hunde in Schubladen his cuttings and his father makes with a pure Konsumgut for the treatment. That can be so if they are perfect, but their egoistic thoughts become – Hunde is a lifestyle with intoxication. It is a fact that it is so that the sin is bad, if a dog (in the best autumn from Tierheim) his own life is over, damn that the bed of the Hundes can be straight.

Wer zum Beispiel thinks, “oh, great, a very busy Hunderasse passt zu mir, weil ich sehr fell work and mich nicht fell a einen active Hund kümmern könnte”, so it is still not überlegen, but a Hund at all that direct Haustier- Wahl ist.

For all, who their sales is one of the best four-star kümmern, but with a high level of business activities it is not that this list over the entire Hunderassen can be a super dividing line.