
Zittau: Two souls and a small family: Who lives a Zittaurin in Spain

Two Ziegen and a small family: Who lives a Zittaurin in Spain

Some people from the Löbau-Zittau region have been sucked into Ausland, where they are an unusual way of life. The SZ has a few aufgespürt. Elisabeth Hennig from Zittau lives in Galicia.

By Andrea Thomas

6 minutes

Elisabeth Hennig lives with Freund Diego and Hündin Ivy in Wahlheimat Galicien in Spain.

Elisabeth Hennig lives with Freund Diego and Hündin Ivy in Wahlheimat Galicien in Spain.
© private

Foreign guests greet Elisabeth Hennig with “Bienvenido a Galicia”. Look at the view of “Hola en España”, in Galicia in the northwest of the Iberian Halbinsel does not belong to the Klischee, it is likely that the Spaniards have a connection.

The Hauptstadt of the autonomous community, Santiago de Compostela, has made a long journey to the Jakobsweg berühmtheit, where the Wallfahrer is first the Kap Finesterre Ziel and his Pilgerreise. Finally bezeichnete man diesen Ort as the end of the world. Here, in the “Todesküste” Galiciens, the Winter Stürme and unbearable Strömungen zahllose Schiffe zum Kentern will be transferred, fanden Legends and Geistergeschichten ever new Nahrung. The Aberglaube is deeply confused in the mythology of the Celts, the shape of the Gallegos is heard. While it is the Dudelsack, that Gaita, who is involved in this case.

Jenseits der Küsten take care of 150 Regentage in Year for the magical Green of the Landscape. And then, the Chameleon in all Rosa’s Treasures, Rot and White is not more beautiful blue than otherwise. Entschließt man sich, the poets Wäldern Galiciens ihr Geheimnis zu entlocken, verinnerlicht man der Silent, soft drink manche meinen, das Flüstern and Atmen der uralten Bäume zu vernehmen. The natural pulsation of nature is different here as I am more, and the steep coast has fallen into the Atlantic Ocean.

If the new Schönheit is the first to discover this region, you can see what the Zauber looks like, as Hennig. Die Zugewanderte verrät ein Sprichwort: “Man said, in Galicien we have the energy for the head of the Entscheidungen.”

After his architectural studies, the construction of an architectural study in an architectural architecture in Berlin began. You can do this in a Spanish university. If it is wake in the Heimat in 2015, follow the Gallego. First once for the Kurze Zeit. Seine Heimatstadt Vigo, on the border of Portugal, weckte with Traumstränden and romantic Sonnenuntergängen Urlaubsfeeling. In the Maleischen Altstadt there are small restaurants in the Special Galician Küche and manchmal powers that are with the Boot seiner Eltern Ausflüge aufs Meer. “The fjord-rich Buchten, der Atlantik in the undescribed Blautönen – bad sanft and bad wild – dazu die Berge, that everything was undescribed beautiful. “Man with friends on the road, at night our life is pulsating,” remembers Elisabeth Hennig and her first final route.

So Elisabeth Hennig lives in Spain

But Dreh- und Angelpunkt in Lebens blieb vorst Berlin, weiterhin lived and worked. When you see the city hanging with a state of affairs in the city, you walk out in 2018 – all ideas about relatives and ignorant friends – to your loved one in Galicien. “If a man is lost, man is still in love with the world, but the future is different for him, so man is not willing to live with him. A life on a seiner seite – now that you are happy with it, consider your diet, because of your energy.

I have managed to see everything differently. After four years, disillusionment is synonymous with a schwierigen Entscheidung. “Ohne Plan B I am lost. I am an unreliable Liebe-hatte ich mie nie Gedanken über de Konsequenzen eener Trennung gemacht“, says the Upper Lusatian zu.

The elders and German friends are in their backs, versprachen, for their signal. Only in this situation could Elisabeth explore the world of her free time, when she was on guard in Vigo. Man, when you get up, stand with the Rat and Tat on your Seite, bring your positive feelings and go to your heart’s content, the trennung as Chance wahrzunehmen. „In Deutschland habe gute Freunde, die zu mir halten. When there is war and this community is, there is a strong power and a new entry, which still lasts 37 years. They are one of the few Malfür Galicians. There is a new construction in the Berlin architectural firm, which will fight against the war, and the Galicians will come from the firm of the enterprise. Das gab ihr Sicherheit. It is not that it is a grateful bar.

In Fragosa, a Dorf, the green is quickly flooded, which is financed by Diego and Hündin Ivy in the future. It is a small piece that quickly onlyr another Leute-wohnen is. Once it is so, then it is so that your child is aware of the work in the city.

There are more than 1,700 geisterdörfers in Galicia, including nature-rich ruins and landscaped Gebäude Zeitzeugen des Niedergangs since. Ausgerechnet Corona gab solchen verlassenen Orten neue Hoffnung. A city with a stronger restriction, which takes up the fight against women, is a free war. Be sure to see the Regierungsmaßnahmen zur Wiederbelebung bevölkerungsarmer Regionen, wie der Verkauf von Häusern zum Spottpreis or Prämien für de Zuzug junior Families.

Elisabeth Hennig found these Initiatives good. Construction of houses, rising furniture and exorbitant Grundstückspreise in the city as country life an alternative. If it is clear, the infrastructure does not die anymore.

For the sake of happiness, this one passes on in Fragosa, wherever it is. Your village house sees it with a larger family, who knows others, respects and a generated life and the best way to use the Alltag. The Miteinander of Jung and Alt see the German as a solution. Only then, because thanks and my dear Grandma in Oberseifersdorf here proud of the spatial relief allgegenwärtig are.

Enjoy life in Galizien Elisabeth Hennig. Früher were in Karriere, Job and some things that were important. There are other priorities. “I was able to spend time with friends, spend time with friends, and spend time with new friends. It is an inner Zufriedenheit. Here we say that we are not happy, because we will receive little interest, but that is why we are worse,” she said, laughing.

If the German government supports international politics and the EU fortress, that still can’t be a problem. “Two see for our house, stood out a bit and a hereditary work here as an architect, that’s the regularity of the pendeln nach Berlin aufhört.”