
Funktionieren Grübchenmacher wirklich? Influencer uses artistic methods for perfect smiles –

Funktionieren Grübchenmacher wirklich? Influencer uses artistic methods for perfect smiles –

If the beauty influencer has developed a technique of technique, the illusion of grübchen has arisen, while an operation is zurückgreifen zu müssen.

Dellen have long been considered a charmingly peculiar brand, where celebrities such as Shah Rukh Khan, Preity Zinta and Alia Bhatt were enthusing the public with their charming Dellenlächeln. Since it is all done in a systematic way and not used as cosmetic products, it may be that the Anziehungskraft guidelines will probably not increase the results, but that will be the case. In today’s dominant world of social media, working for a sustainable trend has become a trend, how effective is this method?

Die Beliebtheit Künstlicher Dellen

Due to the influence of aesthetic influences, there is a technique that causes the illusion of the Dell operation. The content counter of Hitika Sachdev, the 230,000 followers on Instagram, explains the Reiz: “Artistic Dellen is a snapshot of Generation Z, we will seduce the face a humble and cheerful expression, without that an operation is not. If you want to increase the creditworthiness of the credit institutions and self-realization, you can take a look at individualization with the various style and platzierungen experiments. It is a spacious and forward-looking possibility, to improve your brand. “

Trotz Ihrer Believes that Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit dit werkzeuge fraglich.

What was Dellen’s request?

It is wise to look into the muscle in question and its connective tissue. Dr. Niti Gaur, Dermatologist and founder of the Citrien Clinic in Gurugram, says: “Those parts are entshen by an unregulated growth a ​​muskel, the great zygomatic muscle, during the embryonic development. This muskel has and has directed the mouth and has had a targeted treatment of joy or sorrow. If muskel appears in the two groups, one above and one below the mouth, parts are entshen.”

Künstliche Dellen: Der Chirurgische Ansatz

For those permanent dellen, it is a cosmetic make-up called Dimpleplasty. Dr. Ruby Sachdev, an aesthetic physician at Gleneagles Hospital in Bengaluru, describes the process: “Artificial dellen were created by a cosmetic treatment of Dimpleplasty. The muskel, the schleimhaut and the inner part of the haut were so changed that it was part of the world. It is a smaller cut in the cheeks and a night leg, which connects the underside of the haut with the lying facial muskel. If it does not go well, there is a permanent display, which is a natural imitation. “

Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, Plastic and Aesthetic Surgeon and Gründerin of SB Aesthetics in Gurugram, said: “Das Verfahren ist in der Regel fast, with minimalist Ausfallzeit.”

Die Einschränkungen Künstlicher Dellenwerkzeuge

Other pages are work for lightening dellen, which in the social media have a remarkable effect, which is effective. Dr. Gaur says: “More methods have been used, an illusion of dellen, with make-up techniques, dellen piercings and cheeks-sauger. Make-up techniques can be used when applying a thin layer of Blushes or Konturpuders, a nice effect on the result. Dellen-Piercings can use pine needles, but can cause risks with infections and nabenen. Cheeks-Sauger has solved the problems in the Cheeks, where he can cause long irritations and irritations. “

Dr. Bhadani is critical of the work for artistic parts: “While not effective, the videos were as good as they said. Everything, a surgical operation was performed. This work zeuge shieben a bit from the internet, was a relief for a few minutes of purchasing.” Dr. Sachdev encouraged him and said: “Obwohl Online-Werkzeuge and -Tricks für die Erstellung temporärer Dellen verlockend erscheinen mögen, since sid oft Spielereien and haben keine wieschaftliche Grundlage. These methods applied in the Regulatory Pressure on the Supreme Court were a forward movement that can lead to a better insight into the development of debts.”

Vor- und Nachteile Künstlicher DellenMethods

Work for artistic parts, with make-up and makeup, has a feeling of pre- and post-night. Der Hauptvorteil ist, that your minor surgical intervention has been carried out, in the form of dimpleplasty. Allerdings can führen this work zeuge of vorübergehendder Hautdrukärbung, Hyperpigmentierung, Entzündung and sogar Narbenbildung with übermäßigem Gebrauch.

Endless Urdelen

Experts are a bit, that is, they have work to perform a problem with problem solving, that is, they provide natural, lasting solutions. Dr. Bhadani considers these tools as “games, which are then abandoned, to quickly create profit, in the meantime they see the observance of people in themselves,” while Dr. Sachdev demonstrates the importance of safety and long-lasting health: “As a medical expert, I do not support the use of false dellenmakers or others who have no verification methods for the change of appearance. If you are interested in a question of Dell, it is best to get a qualified surgeon for advice, who can provide options for sure and effectively.”

Note: It is worth doing an interesting treatise, if a Fachmann gives an advice on the methods used with the used Vorsicht.