
Germany will soon be in Afghanistan again

Germany will soon be in Afghanistan again

Abschiebungen in een land, in dem die Taliban herrschen? That could happen in Germany without any problems. Nun has started a Flug Dorthin.


Recently, the Taliban rulers had been expelled from Germany in Freitagmorgen with the Afghan State Forces in their Herkunftsland for three years. The quality of control Steffen Hebestreit mit. “We are dealing here with an Afghan state banker, who were the same criminal law enforcement officers, who did not have any Bleiberrecht in Deutschland and did not request the Ausweisungsverfügungen vorlagen.” All those affected are men who have the German Press Agency.

Start from Leipzig

The Saxon Ministry of the Interior said, the machine is free tomorrow from Flughafen Leipzig/Halle abgehoben. See this message about the “Spiegel” message. The dpa where the “Spiegel” information is best, won at 6.56 a Charterjet of Qatar Airways from Leipzig from Direction Kabul.

The various Bundesländern are brought to Leipzig in the Boeing 787 that is on 28 Afghan Straftäter. The organization is organized by the federal action of the Bundesinnenministerium. Reinforced penalties can be used to ensure safe access to a large area within this area.

Germany no longer has diplomatic relations with the Taliban-Machthabern in Kabul. After the rule of Mannheim, Kanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) has been given the power to combat the Abschiebung of Schwerst-criminellen and terrorist attacks in Afghanistan and Syria. The start of the Abschiebflug is now not so long ago that the Islamic motivators have approached the Messerattentat von Solingen, which have a longer German history, this is the Behördenkreisen. The “mirror” writes von zwei Monaten.

Right see Ausschlussgründe für Schutz in Deutschland vor

Among the Abgeschobenen it is so that people, also people, the Sicherheitsbehörden are the most politically motivated Straftaten who will use their Anschlag. It is the idea that you should take the trouble to take the steps if you are experiencing problems.

While the Greens and Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock adopt their skeptical attitude to the Abschiebungen in Afghanistan and are warned, the Islamic Taliban government is indirectly involved. Baerbock has done his service at the RBB-Inforadio, because he is uniting the Abschiebungen after Syria and Afghanistan. “In Einzelfällen ist das dort möglich”, it says. It is a fact that the current regimes are “offensively not trivial”. If you are entitled to rights, the punishment and the law can retain the Schutzstatus or instead lose and block it.

Das Asylrecht envisages Ausschlussgründe für Schutz in Deutschland, zum Beispiel Kriegsverbrechen. The Ampel-Koalition of the SPD, Grünen and FDP who have started their “Sicherheitspaket” have given this list another anti-Semitic strategy.

Few rights for women in Afghanistan

Since August 2021, in Afghanistan, where the Islamist Taliban have come to power, the international community has been criticizing its massive attack on women’s rights. The focus of the surveillance is on ensuring that the Taliban’s power wages a German battle against the help of other countries in the country, or that we come for the Anschägen. Most criticism of the terrorist Islamic State (IS) is that the ideological Taliban are not abhorred. Before all children in the country get less heat, they can increasingly come into view of IS. The terrorist soldiers are intensifying the fight against Islam and driving it out.

Criticism criticizes under the Taliban regime a passionate attention for the human rights defenders, demonstrators or journalists, the human rights organizations, the defense or the prosecution. (dpa)