
Toyota muss knapp 34,000 Fahrzeuge zurückzurufen

Toyota muss knapp 34,000 Fahrzeuge zurückzurufen

  1. Fehmarnssches Dagblad
  2. Auto

The Japanese repairer Toyota has a value of 34,000 Fahrzeuge zurücrufen. The basis for the backbone is still very strong.

In the automotive industry, there are only 200,000 Corsas in the Opel workshop that have technical defects. If you do not make more distinctions, this is not the case in the number of return vehicles, impressed by the tätigenden Arbeiten most deutlich. At Toyota, it is a smaller Fehler in North America that makes a greater upward movement to the Folge.

Safety Guarantee: Wrong Choice on Toyota Sticker

Grund für de Rückruf de de Japanese Repairers sind diese Fall again mechanische Probleme nor Softwarefehler, sondern nlicht een fehlerhafter Aufkleber, of a Texan Vertriebshändler were brought about. The sticker has an incorrect weight gain, who Engine1 and Car and driver messages. This is the case: If the request is changed, the best thing is that the car is overloaded – and it can be a sale that is carried out.

Toyota muss knapp 34,000 Fahrzeuge zurückzurufen
The Toyota Corolla Cross is one of the problems that caused damage in North America. ©Toyota

Backpack for 34,000 Toyotas different constructions

In a document from the US-Verkehrssicherheitsbehörde National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) When autumn is warm, the years will soon be full of life. Affected by the Rückruf since 33,838 Fahrzeuge verschiedenster Toyota-Modellreihen, darunter das Mittelklasse-Modell Camry, the Pick-up Tundra and the SUV 4Runner. Ursächlich for the Panne is a „Programmeurfehler“, due to the weight change of Zubehör false berechnet wurden.

Falsche Aufkleber: So the problem is now solved

The solution for the problem? Relatively simple: new Aufkleber. Laut NHTSA The sticker with the correct correction and the affected pages are available – including a detailing of the display of the print. The problem with the sale of products is that the Toyota handler releases the sticker costs from the weld. In Italian, a smaller edition of 100 Fiat models from the Finanzpolizei has been issued.

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In Germany, there is a man as a vehicle owner who writes a letter when his own vehicle is affected by a certain reversal. Important: Such a letter is not as an instruction to understand. We are a little flattered in the house, the chances are that many people are affected. If there is an end to the withdrawal of more information, the Federal Motor Transport Office (KBA) can provide the following information – and such people can outsource the car. If the problem with the reversal of the work is solved, there is a workstation.