
Beschäftigung: Arbeitslosenzahl Increases to 63,000 in August

Beschäftigung: Arbeitslosenzahl Increases to 63,000 in August

The number of unemployed in Germany is up to date in August Wert has been going on for three years. I have seized 2.872 million people, who have the Federal Agency for Labor (BA) Mitteilte. There are 63,000 more hours in July and 176,000 more hours for a year. The unemployment rate remains in the monthly comparison a 0.1 percent point on 6.1 percent.

The Federal Agency for its statistics on Zahlen was published on August 14. “The labor market is more concerned about the consequences of economic stagnation. Labor loss and unemployment are more likely to occur during the summer break,” says BA-Vorstandsvorsitzende Andrea Nahles.

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