
Gamescom: Cologne Forever (Happy Friday)

Gamescom: Cologne Forever (Happy Friday)

Cologne - Hauptstadt der Keyseller (Photo: GamesWirtschaft)
Cologne – Hauptstadt der Keyseller (Photo: GamesWirtschaft)

The Gamescom takes place in Cologne wie der Dom. Is it for all Ewigkeit in Trachyt geeißelt? The speech fell dafur.

Verehrte GamesWirtschaft-Leser,
verehrte GamesWirtschaft-Leserin,

zum the end of the day at the time of the Cologne SPD-Oberbürgermeister Jürgen Roters, nor is it a common experience: “The video industry has arrived in the Center of the Society.”


The year was 2015. Check out Henriette Reker’s share page that opens access to Gamescom for the coming years “Europe’s Main City of Games” so drumming. After a change of attitude that the Messe in the open air lasted 335,000 visitors, a further experience of the future. Offiziell is sogar von “500,000 Gamers” the Reason, while the unfragmented Passanten were collected, would probably be on the Friese- and Rudolfplatz-wochenende place in front of the Bühnen of the ‘Gamescom City Festivals’.

Reker is logical that there is a vital interest, that Cologne is buzzing in the Hochsommer on all Nähten-platz and the Gamescom – as Vorsitzende des Koelnmesse-Aufsichtsrats, aber zuvorderst natürlich as Stadtoberhaupt.

As a small gift, my communication will take place on July 1, 2024, so that I can enjoy the cultural experience and enjoy the experience, it was a hotel-reception for my home You don’t need anymore-Diskussionen gesorgt hat. Bislang was beruflich veranlasste Aufenthalte namlich of the 5-%-Steuer ausgenommen – since Gamescom 2024 aufwärts nicht more.

This “Overnight rate” that Cologne is not exclusiveaber der Zeitpunkt ist mit ganz fell Liebe ausgewählt. Wer 2023 a Gamescom-2024-Gemach für 200 € gebucht hat, there will be an additional 10 €. Pro Night. Weil: Is that so? Im Großraum Köln quickly costs 40,000 Hotelbetten, that’s the price itself. Darauf ein dreifach donnerndes Alaaf!

Fröhlich am Freitag - de wöchentliche Kolumne at GamesWirtschaft
Fröhlich am Freitag – the wöchentliche Kolumne at GamesWirtschaft

At least never die Kölner Hotellerie keine Gefangeneen. Weil de Herbergen traditionbesten geölte Drähte zu den stadtischen Event-Locations unterhalten, war man in der Lage, schon Tage voor Start der Gamescom 2024 There is a high rate for Gamescom 2025-Zeitraum in den Buchungs-Systemen zu behindlegen. Nur zur Sicherheit.

Lehre nach würde man von Angebot und Nachfrage sprechen. After we have discovered the Flut and completed all the boats, the form is “Abzocke” more like angemessen – look and go to the Gamescom context. Zumal Zimmer-Kontingente did not first fall into the regular purchase order, without being blocked until the suite for Stammkunden – the Angebot at the final channel Nachfrage was still not understood.

There are klüngelts in the greenhouse. Das weckt Begehrlichkeiten in others Landesteilen. Weswegen Koelnmesse-Boss Böse in those years The fragments are perhaps better, who is the Begehrlichkeiten von Berlin and else bewertet. The city of Cologne dictated in the bloc that the Grund would solve the Gamescom at Standort Köln in the future. The Vertrauensverhältnis zum co-veranstaltenden Game-Verband is intact.

Let’s hear a few words. Verband en Messe officially started in 2008 – the Gamescom broadcast would appear in the year 2019, the Vernehmen after (wenngleich ni bestätigt) a more fun year. We will live in 2024. It was easy to read, because it would be easy to have conversations, so we would have to deal with our daily lives. The partners who are involved are not sure whether they are new. Besides the young press conferences, the cooling trade fair management is not included in the reserve lock.

The fact is: The Messegesellschaft and the Verband are connected and different in bringing together projects. Etwa beim Export des Formats nach Brasilien (Gamescom Latam) en Singapore (Gamescom Asia). From Gamescom LAN in April. Or join the German Community Stand at the GDC in San Francisco. Oder oder oder.

There is a question of a predetermined, which releases these dyeing complications. It is possible that the competitor has a naturally good taste and that this competitor never comes close.

“Where could Gamescom be?” Excerpt from GamesWirtschaft, als Mitbewerber-Standorte would be one of the most important ideas, that’s what you can do. But I laughed. Ergebnis der Analyse, wer das ‘könnte’: nicht so velde. Hinreichend Platz is maximum in Hannover and Frankfurt.

Both are unlikely. Niedersachsen uninterestedly finds more video game glamor on a meter of field road. Otherwise Frankfurt: Nintendo, Sony, Bandai Namco, Bethesda, Crytek and other similar Unternehmen should never be two, including Schon da. Main hattan punktet außerdem mit Airport, Anbindung, Hotelkapazitäten, among other things. Gleichwohl feels like a political Will and a substantial Rückhalt in the region. Once again, CDU Prime Minister Boris Rhein and the Rheinland-Pfälzischer SPD-College Schweitzer are in Cologne. More like an Indie Arena Booth involvement war for the hessian Games industry nicht drin. Man!

And what about Balin? Wirtschaftsenatorin Franziska Giffey cooked for a year with a Gamescom umzug in the Hauptstadt. Diese Rufe sind leiser has become. Much time is spent on expanding the time that the gelände is a radio tower that does not work abroad, a game message in a new era of bespielen in Cologne – so is Gamescom and IFA (starting next week) zeitlich fast überlappen.

Let the Wort stand with a click on the Gamescom standard in the Industrieverband Game, while the Marken-Recht lie. This protective right applies to everything – from the installations about Clapboards, Computer games, ornaments and candle holders to their zitzsäcken and Spazierstöcken.

It is a thematic spectrum that can be used at Deutschen Patent- und Markenamt to see another ‘Nizza-Class’ – jetzt inklusive Backmischungen, Müsliriegeln, Kartoffelchips, Nudelsalat anyway “nichtlebende Fische, Meeresfrüchte und Weichtiere”. Sollten Sie demnächst Gamescom-Shrimps in Cocktailsauce im Tiefkühlregal entdecken: They erase Bescheid.

Gamescom is no longer for Cologne and the Koelnmesse, but for the Association of Exorbitant Economic Beliefs. It is a heavy burden that 500 people with a healthy lifestyle will be able to cope with it, even if only 20 of the 20 great Geschäftsstelle auslasten, die in the center of society (in the fall: Berlin-Mitte) have come to pass. No, the Cash-Cow War and the Gamescom: Nach Steuern can raise 3 million. € in the Vereinskasse-übrig, who has the most lobby registers.

I wish I had read these laws: Solange is a great person, the analogue sales are available and available at €34 for a two-way trailer show or €64 for maximum performance at the Gamescom-Mittwoch concerts, solange is attending the Gamescom in Cologne-Deutz. The one guy’s – the other guy’s.

A beautiful living experience

Petra Fröhlich
Chief editor in GamesWirtschaft

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