
Königsbrück: Altar of the Hospital Church is enthüllt after the Restaurierung

Königsbrück: Altar of the Hospital Church is enthüllt after the Restaurierung

Königsbrück: Altar of the Hospital Church is enthüllt after the Restaurierung

The Hospitalkirche is the älteste Church in Königsbrück. You will have a new sanitary solution – with a pleasant experience.

By Heike Garten

3 minutes

Here you will find the restored Altar of the Königsbrücker Hospitalkirche which has been closed. On the right the restorer of Tania Korntheuer-Wardak.

Here you will find the restored Altar of the Königsbrücker Hospitalkirche which has been closed. On the right the restorer of Tania Korntheuer-Wardak.
© René Plaul

King’s Bridge. Characteristics of the Königsbrücker: the Hospitalkirche an der Gartenstraße. And it is often the case that the Trauerfeiern is often busy finding the Friedhof in the city. And yet this Kirche is priceless. It is the test of Koningsbrück and a gem. The speech is from Flügelaltar, from Kamenzer Künstler Andreas Dreßler was written and dates from the year 1575.

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