
Anti-Drying Actions zum Internationalen Tag der Aufklärung gegen Überdosierung

Anti-Drying Actions zum Internationalen Tag der Aufklärung gegen Überdosierung

ptp20240830021 Culture/Lifestyle, Education/Career

August 31, 2024 – International Overdose Awareness Day

Anti-Drying Actions zum Internationalen Tag der Aufklärung gegen Überdosierung

Die Facten über Drogen (Image: Scientology Church)

Hamburg (ptp021/30.08.2024/12:00)

Anlässlich des anstehenden “Internationalen Tag gegen Überdosierungen” (“International Overdose Awareness Day”) were voluntary der Initiative “Sag Nein zu Drogen – Sag Ja zum Leben” under active, one of the consequences of Drogenkonsums disease.

Am we living at a single information stand in a Hamburger Drogenbrennpunkt after 1,000 Drogenaufklärungshefte gegen die immer nor herrschende Unwissenheit über die schädlichen Auswirkungen des Drogenmissbrauchs verilt. A special event in the Church of Scientology Hamburg speaks of a bad hanging in the coming period, which will ruin your life.

The information stand is a collection of information about interest from the openness and the free will that could lead to your action. In the journey with Passanten it is German that the equipment contains a huge amount of material and who could use the material, a person will suck up the theme Drying.

Positive feedback from people

A young man came into the blessing Pause and stand up and want to have a handle on cannabis. Once you know that this is a rauschgift tag, you may notice that this is a physical problem. There is a joint tomorrow, one for the Essen, it is no longer possible and a turn, a “zur Ruhe zu kommen”. There would be a hint that a war would take place. Zurzeit macht is a treatment therapy, which after my treatment no longer provides any experience, and works on a platz in a certain situation. In the Zwischenzeit raucht there are more connections. There are many people who have a handle in the back with cannabis lessons.

A return message from the special Art came from an employee of a restaurant, who was seated at the booth. There would be one of the guests who complained about the action. If the problem with the Grund meinte is “If you continue with the business” (with the clarifications), then let it happen a little and it is a little information.

In the information service in the Church of Scientology, on the Antidrogen program of the Foundation for a Drug-Free World, a very malignant disease has entered the Drogen-passage. It may be that the years of storage depend on the absorption from the dry environment and that it is a dry substance. It is in this case that other people can use the dryers and how they can behave, so that they can do more. Once the summary is created, you can wait for the next years hundreds of years for the next Drogenmissbrauchs, who never have the Kraft hats, so that they are no longer free.

The common useful Foundation for a Drug-Free World in Los Angeles has been awarded a status by the Wirtschafts- und Sozialrat der Vereinten Nationen gewährt. Thanks to the knowledge of Scientology Churches and Scientologists on the world of science that the foundation can offer a neutral world of materials and programs for the development of medicines and prevention costs for all interests of the publisher.

Facts for Scientology Religion

When Scientologists in their community, in view of the Drogenauf-klärung, inspired by the philanthropist and Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, one of the first things they say is: “The development that has been conceived is that the Drogen is the most basic element in a very high culture.”

The first Church of Scientology was founded in Los Angeles in 1954; Seitdem hat sich die de religion op meer dan 11,000 Kirchen, Missionen und english groups met Millionen von Mitgliedern in 167 Ländern ausgeweitet. More information about religious recognition of Scientology can be found at
