
GAZPROM-Aktie im Minus: Kiew will neben Gas- auch Öltransit aus Russland einstellen | 30.08.24

GAZPROM-Aktie im Minus: Kiew will neben Gas- auch Öltransit aus Russland einstellen | 30.08.24


14.02 CHF 0.01%


As the best of the conversations with the Ukrainian President’s Office, Mychailo Podoljak, I was interviewed with the sender Nowyny.Live. Ukraine has left as a Transitland closed, on January 1, 2025 the country is no longer in use. “But zweifellos, with the 1. January 2025 it all comes to an end”, said Podoljak. Choose once you are in the area, gas from the central states or aserbaid redoubt in Europe over time. For Ukraine is separated, Russia dies from the Rohstoffverkauf zu nehmen.

Der Vertrag zum Transit russischen Gases durch die Ukraine nach Europa zwischen de Staatskonzernen GAZPROM en Naftogaz eindigde op 31. December 2024. Trotz des vor mehr as zwei von Moskau begonnenen Angriffskriegs wurde er bislang erfüllt – auch auf Drängen der europäischen Nachbarländer der Ukraine, speziell Ongaren . The Führung in Kiev has a better German power, which does not delay its progress – it will die President Wolodymyr Selenskyj nor a concrete.

Russians go over the Druschba-Pipeline with both Ungarn, Czech and Slovak. The German roads to the North of the Leitung will still leave the western roads of the Russian sanctions. Russian media reports after the cash energy suppliers started in August, the cash flow will pump more through the pipeline. That compromise is in Russia heavy, Transiteintake to business, but not his own of the country most profitable Market Europe to sell./bal/DP/jha

The GAZPROM promotion is worth 3.82 euros per share at 125.3 euros, while the Eni promotion via KIEW (awp international)