
Geschichten und Tee am Kamin im Hohen Haus

Geschichten und Tee am Kamin im Hohen Haus

In German cuisine, one of the best ways to load up a meal with a flat German dish is handwerkvorführungen and East Frisian tea ceremony.

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Greetings – For the Plattdeutsch-Monat September, the Touristik-GmbH Krummhörn-Greetsiel has a new Veranstaltung ausgearbeitet: A plattdeutscher Nachmittag am Kamin – “In’t Hörn bi’t Füür” of the hotel “Hohes Haus” in Greetsiel stattfinden.

The Besucher is one of the most Frisian Gemütlichkeit, plattdeutsche Geschichten and the traditional Teazeremonie is natural and not fehlen.

Three other developments in September in the September “Geeske”, the Magd der Bäuerin Daje, is a lonely artistic stunde in the historical atmosphere.

On September 11, 18 and 25, 2024, jeweils at 15 PM, with the Hohe Haus, located in Hohen Straße 1, for a special experience. „Geeske an’t breien“, with the title of a program that is being launched, is no longer concerned with needlework with the stop and the stroke, impressed by all the humorous and uncomplicated messages, the so-called „Vertellkes“, in flat German language.

In the original historical atmosphere there is an atmosphere and a dialogue about the terminology of power.

The devices can have a dynamic and flexible playing time, which makes it possible to use German songs without interruption. Abgerundet is the history of a traditional East Frisian Teezeremonie, which does not provide the charm of the veranstaltung.

The fragmentation and construction of this structure are no longer underdeveloped, but in a typical East Frisian style.

With now 25 places in the term there is a right-to-use booklet. Tickets are available in the Touristik-GmbH webshop and offer a price for the resident of the Nordseecard. The price for arrival pays 20 euros with Nordseecard and 23 euros, while children with Nordseecard pay 10 euros and 11.50 euros with Nordseecard. “In’t Horn bi’t Füür” is a Muss for everyone who has a certain taste for Tee, Geschichten and Gesang. Additional information and booking information can be found online in the Touristik-GmbH webshop under