
Tierischer Ausflug ended in the Polizeiwache

Tierischer Ausflug ended in the Polizeiwache

If you want a service start on the police brochure, nobody can achieve anything. On Thursday past 23:15 the phone rang at the police station. So usual. If you are looking for another car: a car manufacturer reports to the officers, that is a warning with a warning light hints at two horses on the highway. The driver is advised to turn right in front of the Broichweiden connection point, in Lüttich driving school, on the way. By switching on a warning light force there is talk of the following results on this unchanged column marker.

For a few minutes there is war in a Streifenwagen of the Autobahnpolizeiwache Broichweiden and a Team of the Diensthundeführerstaffel of the Polizei Aken, in front of Ort. The bundles block the highway and find the route ein. The management of the service can focus on the consequences of the unused Pferde. Dadurch is the Beamten, the two Freigänger von der Autobahn zu führen and bring to security.

You can clearly see how both of them spent their night at the police. Photo: Cologne Police

As the relatives of the row of the missing appeared, they spent the night fried at the Innenhof der Autobahnpolizeiwache Broichweiden, wed after the Aussage der Beamten auch the Geräteschuppen ausgiebig in Augenschein nahmen. On Thursday at 8 a.m., report to the Pferde’s personal property and into the cavity of your body.