
Provided that the Angewohnheiten increases, the Wahrscheinlichkeit früh zu sterben

Provided that the Angewohnheiten increases, the Wahrscheinlichkeit früh zu sterben

IIf you want to know more, then it is so that most of the stories in the literature are so good that the Sterberisiko erhöhen is. This means that something happens, that we go away and a bad Ernährung. Do you have a question about the long term that you need?

The science goes a long way with that question, and it may be that during the course of time a problem arises. Of course, causality and correlation come into play, if there are a few of those messages. By active activities the power of the operation can be increased, while the man can concentrate on the fact that this is now a problem and other aspects will probably be looked at.

In this Gallery you will find a list of Gewohnheiten, which with a short Lebenserwartung in Verbindung has led to wurden. Click as you go further and further, whoever comes your way!

Long sittings

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Long sittings

Movement deficiency can cause a big change in the long run, and it could be that Sitzen is one of the most important insurers. It is one of the main objectives of the research, the large part of the working time is in the Schreibtische verbs. Anyway, Stehppauzes are a plan or a Stehpult that you can use.

Long sittings

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Long sittings

Long seats have a big ticking with a big filling in our life. There are very many things that can mean a change of seat in three beautiful places. Dieselstudy has started to make a study, which has done a reduction of the life of the battery at a later time, a period of 1.4 years that lasts long!

Too little sleep

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Too little sleep

If we regularly use a stunden-sleep for the night, it is a matter of higher mortality rates if a few stunden are in play longer.

To many sleeping places

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To many sleeping places

The Gleiche is gilded for those things, which are so good and regular. We are more like new experiences during the night in the work, we have a high risk, a diabetes or corona aggravated of the disease and the information of your dying.

Too much red meat

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Too much red meat

It has never been a day, and again a beautiful steak or a safe burger to genius. If you die, you can make the right messages for you. Schätzungsweise is high of the tag Verzehr von rotem Fleisch das Sterberisiko um etwa 13 %.

Too much processed meat

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Too much processed meat

Das Gleiche gilded voor verarbeitete Fleischsorten. When you also have steak against sausages, you will also be happy with it. Fluted hinges are a good alternative, they can result in a star risk of 14%. The best gold plated for fish – the star berisko can drink an etwa 7%.

Viel Zeit in geschlossenen Räumen verringen

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Viel Zeit in geschlossenen Räumen verringen

The protection of the air protection is the Luft in the interior that brings about a great change as the Außenluft. If you soak the Mangel and the Sunlight, the Tage-rhythm and give a Vitamin-D-Mangel, this can.

Schlecher Handling Money

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Schlecher Handling Money

An undone amount with your money can cost you money. Sorgfältige Ausgaben are a bowel for your health, where the gegenteil can be bad for your heart.

Schlecher Handling Money

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Schlecher Handling Money

If you are just in the low state, it is a fact that you have run a risk of heart-circle illnesses in cashing in adults, standing from the hand in the world to live.

No alcoholic beverages

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No alcoholic beverages

Yes, you have read a right! The view of alcohol can increase the sterber risk-tatsächlich. Of course, here it is not one of the synthetics of alcohol and a non-overmäßigen consum (that has the gentile effect and the value of increasing your risk of a happy death). An Ausnahme-image here Wein.

No alcoholic beverages

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No alcoholic beverages

We are rich in antioxidants, soda and a glass of wine can do wonders in solving them. Red wine can increase the risks of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Heart disease and Blood pressure.

The road from Zahnseide

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The road from Zahnseide

Poor Mundhygiene is brought into connection with poor health. If you also save a false set, your long term can lead.

The road from Zahnseide

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The road from Zahnseide

Durch Zähneputzen und Verwendung von Zahnseide können Sie siecherstellen, dass Sie Bakterien were loosen, die möglicherweise in other Teile Ihres Körpers gelangen. A study that is very good, the representation of the life cycle is a matter of 6.4 years that can last.

View of spicy dishes

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View of spicy dishes

A study that goes to humans is essential that there is 14% less risk of dying as a human, who now dies once a week. If others are on the list, this is one way that a correlation acts and more other factors play a role.

View of spicy dishes

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View of spicy dishes

The analysis of the research on a fairly large group (over 500,000 participants), soft drinks is probably on the right track since…

Zuviel Handy Time

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Zuviel Handy Time

If you sit on the couch and use your handy utilization, you can enjoy a year. Bad body condition can be one of the respiratory functions of lung function.

Zuviel Handy Time

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Zuviel Handy Time

It is bad that the use of smartphones to the university students with a low quality of sleep causes a higher degree of anxiety and depression. If you feel yourself, all these factors can mean a significant change in the life of the device.

To stand in the stare

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To stand in the stare

Leader must be many of our days, days delay. A study is so bad that men and women are affected by a long period, after the impacts on women’s life insurance have become greater.

To stand in the stare

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To stand in the stare

While the long term is longer, it is no longer possible to sit in Sitzen, but it is a bit more active to play. A study, which im American Journal of Preventive Medicine light of the world, if you like the muscle, it is “negative life with active, cardiorespiratory fitness, adiposity and metabolic risk indicators”.

With the noses cracking

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With the noses cracking

Knacken Is it regular with the Nacken? Now, this Angewohnheit is starting to take a risk, it is one of the things that Tod Führen can do. It is a fall, if the human being has an arterie-gerissen in that place, where a blutgerinnsel-gebildet-hat is, then there is a schlagan-fall-geführt-hat. It is possible that the problem occurs, but it is a scary situation that can affect your livelihood.

Being chronically unhappy

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Being chronically unhappy

It is normal that it is normal and that the time of the time is lower. If a year later a gray cloud of work appears, a year of exploration can take place.

Being chronically unhappy

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Being chronically unhappy

Strong negative emotions are unknown, but they can also cause a stress reaction. It includes higher blood pressure, higher frequency and ausschüttung of cortisol (stress hormone). If you have a regular check of these hormones, this is not the case for health.

Just make sure you succeed

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Just make sure you succeed

So ironic is this blade magazine: Die Sorge um den Tod can be one of Tod führen. If you are a little afraid of your own mortality, it may be that you die negatively about your healthy lifestyle.

Don't dance

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Don’t dance

We understand: Not everyone feels good when dancing. If it is like that, the lifespan can be high. It is not that there is a nice sporting event, but it can be a good thing in the connection. Power but sense, or?


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Man is a social issue and contacts other people. If you examine the group of 148, it is very important that man with a strong social policy has a 50% lower chance of generating the amount of meat as a man, which is not so good.

Omit the fruit

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© iStock

Omit the fruit

The American Heart Association reports that people who eat breakfast are related to a range of indicators including cholesterol levels, heart-healthy running, and blood pressure.

Omit the fruit

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Omit the fruit

This can be associated with other life events. Interim commitments can be a consequence of the fact that a study is being conducted, but the life expectancy can be higher. If the refinancing of the financing takes place, it is a smaller power, while the frühstück is or becomes less, if it is a weight saving. An end-result also still stands.

Sources: (Health Digest) (CBS News) (Verywell Health) (American Journal of Preventive Medicine) (ScienceAlert) (Environmental Protection Agency) (PLOS Medicine) (Harvard Health) (BMJ)

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