
Emission a new Anleihe deschlossen – Solider Start ins GJ 2024/25 » AnlegerPlus

Emission a new Anleihe deschlossen – Solider Start ins GJ 2024/25 » AnlegerPlus

Underberg Group: Emission a new Anleihe deschlossen – Solider Start in GJ 2024/25

Inhaling the Mitteilung is the Issuer / Herausgeber responsible.

Underberg Group: Emission a new Anleihe deschlossen – Solider Start in GJ 2024/25

  • Soul volume for the period 2024/2030 amounts to 35 million. Euro
  • Attractive Sentence Span from 5.75% to 6.75%
  • Umtauschangebot for Inhaber der Anleihe 2019/2025
  • Stabiler Umsatz und Auslandswachstum in Q1 des Geschäftsjahres 2024/25

Rheinberg, August 30, 2024 The Underberg Gruppe has determined its debt debt on the basis of a study, with the issue a new impetus for the financial flexibility for the new waiting lists that will reach their goal in the coming years. The Vorstand der Semper idem Underberg AG has a high frequency with the issue of a new unternehmensanleihe with a volume of 35 million. Euro and one of the Laufzeit until 2030 beschlossen.

Ready in February 2024, the company had already prematurely and temporarily completed its 2018/2024 schedule; now the group is putting the 2019/2025 schedule (ISIN: DE000A2YPAJ3) on the way. “Looking into the future for a year in 2022, we have a consequence of the debt burden and the preparation of a plan for the new people of Underberg AG,” says Michael Söhlke, Managing Director of Semper idem Underberg AG.

The emission values ​​are for the previous years of 2019/2025 (derzeit noch ausstehender residual value: 33.75 Mio. Euro) used. Participate in the financing of the transfer and the switch to the transaction costs of a business transaction, so that the expenses for the Anleisure 2019/2025 are no longer so good that the results of the current transactions in the past have been completed rd dieser for general business purpose used.

On September 25, 2024, Zinssatz and Gesamtnennbetrag were celebrated

The term of the lease 2024/2030 (ISIN: DE000A383FH4) is worth 5.75% to 6.75% per annum. The final destination of the term and the joint performance on September 25, 2024 was determined and published. The most successful investors in the environmental sector have given Leitzinsen the opportunity to remain an attractive company for a long time.

Compare with the hereditary emission of the pasts. Jahre is both of the possible Transaction with a free change between the future and the future of the future 2019/2025. The öffentliche Angebot has appeared on the Grundlage one of the Wertpaperprospekts, and the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF), Luxembourg, has published on September 3, 2024. The Wertpaperprospekt will be verzüglich nach seiner Billigung on the internet site of the sale under veröffentlicht.

The voluntary changes are planned from September 4, 2024 to September 20, 2024, 6:00 PM (MESZ). Anleihegläubiger, die das Umtauschangebot annehmen, sollen für jede eeningetauschte Anleihe 2019/2025 eine new Anleihe 2024/2030 zuzüglich eine Barausgleichsbetrags in Hohe of 10 Euro anyway of the jeweils anteiligen Stückzinsen therehalten. From September 11, 2024 to September 25, 2024, 12:00 noon (MESZ), information about the XETRA Zeichnungsfunktionalität zu zeichnen.

Zeichnungsmöglichkeit über de Unternehmenswebsite

The Angebot focuses on an institutional investor and one of the companies that Anleger Anleger is boosting. Vorbehaltlich der Billigung des Wertpaperprospekts können Privatanleger in Deutschland, Luxemburg und Österreich vom 4. bis 20. September 2024 (6:00 PM MESZ) the new Anleihe 2024/2030 first time on the Unternehmens-Website at https://semper-idem – connectlich zeichnen.

Solider Start in Geschäftsjahr 2024/25

The onternehmensgruppe has its hard-hit operating company in the business activities – with a constant profit of the EBITDA in the business years 2023/24 at 12.8 million. Eurobeheer – with a solid development in the quarter (Q1) of the growth of 2024/2025: thus the growth in the exit quarter (April-June 2024) with 37 million. Eurostabil zum Voorjahreszeitraum. “Our team is fighting the strong performance of the back-to-back business years, that says another at Umsatz. And with a view to the performance development it is a plan,” said Michael Söhlke once again, that he has strengthened all a positive development in Ausland-freut.

10.7 Prozent Absatzwachstum in Ausland

So the foreign contraction in Germany in the first quarter of the business year 2024/2025 has risen by 10.7 percent in comparison to the previous year’s forecast. If it is all about cost distribution and increased market efficiency, the dampened effects of even more other products will be processed on the secret market.

Over the Semper idem Underberg AG: Die Semper idem Underberg AG ist An werteorientiertes Familienunternehmen aus Rheinberg am Niederrhein. The core components of the external business group are the consumer services and the recovery of premium spirit that guarantee the well-being production of the products. Following international relations, the Marks Underberg, Asbach and PITÚ were created into their own Marks and Distribution Marks. You heard your own House St. Hubertus-Tropfen, XUXU and Grasovka have multi-brand distribution marks with Amarula, Linie Aquavit, BOLS and Ouzo from Plomari.

Press contact:

Christian Schönhals

Pressesprecher/Leitung Unternehmenskommunikation

Always the same Underberg AG

Hubert-Underberg-Allee 1

47495 Rijnberg

Phone: +49 2843/920-296

Mobile: +49 170/320 97 59

Email: [email protected]

Investor Relations:

Corecoms Consulting GmbH & Co. KG

Mirko Wollrab

Goethestraat 29

60313 Frankfurt am Main

Mobile: +49 172/830 36 00

Email: [email protected]

Important note:

This Veröffentlichung sets again an Angebot zum Verkauf nor an Aufforderung zum Kauf oder zur Zeichnung von Wertpaperen in irgendeiner Jurisdicttion nor a Wertpaperprospekt im Sinne der Verordnung (EU) 2017/1129 in ihrer geltenden Fassung (‘Prospecting overview“) dar. De öffentliche Angebot von Schuldverschreibungen erolgt ausschließlich on der Grundlage eines nor von der CSSF zu billigenden und een deutsche Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht („BaFin“) and the Österreichische Finanzmarktaufsichtsbehörde (FMA) for notification of Wertpaperprospekts. The invoicing of the commercial paper forecasts by the CSSF is not possible if the processing of old paper papers is carried out. Der Wertpaperprospektenthält die nach de gesetzlichen Bestimmungen ergorderlichen Informationen für Anleger. Since the CSSF has been published on the Internet page of the Semper idem Underberg AG (“Company“) ( and on the website of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange ( free of charge.

Investors engaged in the offering of paper products, before they are separated, debts of the company or of the trading, one of the possibilities to take risks and increase the chance of a separation, and to make a separation with all available information that Gesellschaft nach Consultation with its own Rechtsanwälten, Steuer- and/or Finanzberatern zu gaan.

Some of the most common publications in these publications are found in Luxembourg, Germany and Austria statt. Insbesondere find a resale of Angebot nor a purchase of Abgabe an Angebots of Kauf of Wertpapieren in the United States of America, Australia, Canada or Japan statt. Außerhalb Luxembourgs, Germany and Austria focus on the acquisition of paper for the best persons in the EWR countries and are suitable for the best persons in the EWR countries, who are “qualified” in their articles 2(e)der Prospektverordnung (“qualified application“) sentence.

Diese Veröffentlichung ist weder mittelbar nor unmittelbar zur Weitergabe or Verbreitung in die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika or der innerhalb der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika (einschließlich deren Territorien und Besitzungen aines Bundesstaates of des Districts of Columbia) or an Publications with a general Verbreitung in de Verbreitung States of America decides. It is not an old paper shop sandwich, nor an old paper shop sandwich or a stationery shop in the United States of America. Die Wertpapere sind nicht und alles nicht nach de Vorschrift des US Securities Act van 1933 in der jeweils geltenden Fassung („Securities Act“) Registration and Registration in the United States of America without further registration following the Regulations of the Securities Act in accordance with the current regulations or prior registration before the purchase date. The Gesellschaft is not aware that the Angebot van Schuldverschreibungen is sufficient or teilweise in the United States of America to register or an öffentliches Angebot in the United States of America during the term.

This Veröffentlichung would be in the Vereinigten Königreich nur weitergegeben und roodet sich nur an Personen, die “qualifizierte Anleger” im Sinne von Artikel 2(e) der Prospektverordnung since, da die Verordnung aufgrund des European Union (Retrowal) Act 2018 Teil des nationale Rechts ist, and die darüber hinaus (i) professionelle Anleger im Sinne des Artikel 19(5) des Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005, in der jeweils gültigen Fassung (‘“Order”), since (ii) Persons, who fall under Article 49(2)(a) bis (d) of the Order (vermögende Gesellschaften, Vereine ohne eigene Rechtspersönlichkeit, etc.) since (iii) Persons may make a purchase or investment enquiry (within the meaning of section 21 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000) in the issue of securities or the sale of other securities or other goods (all persons being referred to in common as “Relevant persons“bezeichnet”). This Veröffentlichung is addressed to relevant persons in the United Kingdom. Persons, the most important relevant persons can no longer act and not pay attention to these errors. Your relationship with the relevant persons will be dealt with by relevant persons.

Emission a new Anleihe deschlossen – Solider Start ins GJ 2024/25 » AnlegerPlus

Underberg Stammhaus

30.08.2024 CET/CEST Release of a Corporate News/Finanznachricht, übermittelt durch EQS News – a service of EQS Group AG.
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