
All 230 lost in Job

All 230 lost in Job

Ende May diesesssssssssssssssssssss Sanitop-Wingenroth Insolvenz anmelden muss. Das Unternehmen mit Sitz an der Katzheide in Warendorf has always been one of the best practices of the region. A sanitary war is being waged and the hardware stores and industry are being called upon.

The performance spectrum includes all relevant components for the construction market: from assortment innovation to assortment planning, assortment design and POS concept with its file management. The product portfolio includes a modern logistics department with extensive service offer. A large location is the largest, unoccupied logistics center with 30,000 square meters of storage space and 52,000 storage spaces”, this is still at the end of the month in a press conference of the bankruptcy administrator Stephan Michels, a special judge in Münster.

Sanitop-Wingenroth: Umsatzerwartungen nicht erüllt

If the bankrupt company’s debt burden is gone, the 2024 outlook can no longer be continued. Who deals with the Baumarktgeschäft, the strong Geschäftsbereich of Sanitop, as the Bereiche E-Commerce and Wohnungswirtschaft, is that. The Gründe dafür seien fellfältig gewesen and hätten sowohl an der overall Wirtschaftslage as well as an individual Entwicklungen im Baumarktbereich and der Wohnungswirtschaft located.

Insolvenzverwalter Stephan Michels is May 29

In the letter of 29. May, Insolvency Administrator Michels said in the request for a restructuring but still impossible: “After my first assessment, the company is well established and also technically on a good level. If there is a good chance that this is a good and sustainable restructuring, it is possible that the debt burden of the bankruptcy is resolved, the soda can continue on the dry costs. “That is one of the best choices, but it is less important as a rule more leeway for sanitary options when it comes to a simple processing of the costs,” said Michels for his money.

The hope, which Sanitop-Wingenroth, with his money of 300 dollars and an annual salary of quickly 95 million euros, would again be financed in economically quieter driving water and suitable investors, war gross. If you have made the bet, the confidence and the debts of the debts over the bankrupt money have disappeared, follow the shock: Who has our editorial office on the free market, verlosen alle noch verbs 230 Mitarbeiter in Job. Seit der Insolvenz has a round 70 Beschäftigte von sich aus announced. No investor could be financed for his insolvent company. That means that Out for the Warendorfer Traditional Company. The best solution for the solvency of Stephan Michels on the next page Editorial.

Mitarbeiter bei Betriebsversammlung-informiert

There is a certain description that cannot provide for the production of a sign, but that can also be done. “A very unbeautiful opportunity. The leader has found no other solution”, reads Michels Mitteilen. The Freitagmittag is a way to form a bet on health care and the end of sanitop information, he will be that.

The commitment is being further expanded at the Schwester company Calmwaters. The insolvency is first announced in September. Those who are about to take the bet and the issue further cannot celebrate. Zunächst ebenfalls nicht affected by the Kündigungen since the Beschäftigten der Logistik-Gesellschaft.

The Aus für Sanitop-Wingenroth is another major success for the Warendorfer Wirtschaft. Anfang des Jahres lost bereits knapp 80 Mitarbeiter von Warendorf Küchen ihren Job. After four bankruptcies within a few years, the repairer of the premium kitchen has become a reality.