
Schrecklicher Start ins Leben: Winziges Katzenbaby gefunden

Schrecklicher Start ins Leben: Winziges Katzenbaby gefunden

Cologne – Das Tierheim Köln-Dellbrück has found a Winzling who hates everything else as a beautiful start in Leben. On Instagram, the Tierretter painted the History in young Schützlings.

The profitable Katzenjunge has a completely different experience than a beautiful start in life.

The profitable Katzenjunge has everything that is different from a beautiful start in Leben. © Instagram/tierheim_dellbrueck

It is a bad German Gramm-schwer, which augen noch nicht geöffnet and passes mühelos on a Hand – dennoch ist diese kleine Kätzchen schon ein Waisenkind.

Whoever eats the Kolner tierretter on his Instagram channel posts, will probably give the youngster in the city money and urgently use Help. And if there are no more roads, this changes in their ownness to the Versorgung by their Mutter angewiesen ist.

When a photo of the white Winzlings is taken, the level of the process is reached, but the Katze looks no more than the results in the background and urgently needs to be developed.

Aggressive Katze greift eigene Besitzerin an! Frau muss ich einschließen
Aggressive Katze greift eigene Besitzerin an! Frau muss ich einschließen

So when the Jungtier first ended up in one of the lines and in the Dellbrücker Tierheim, a woman saw the “big one” of Findlings tough. “Gerade mal 82 Gramm wog das Katzenbaby, as es bei uns ankam”, messageseten die Mitarbeiter.

Inzwieren is the Winzling from Tierheim in a care center, where a large number of care and care are taken. “Wir hoffen sehr, dass es (das Katzenbaby) trough all the Kraft tanken kann, um gross and grim zu be,” wrote the Tierretter.

Whoever has the Mini-Kätzchen in the Straßen Kalks is a war and a family asset, which is probably dead.

Fest stand now, that these stories can otherwise be opened, if the little four-beiner will not be founded and be saved!