
BZgA study: Sexual infections were not performed

BZgA study: Sexual infections were not performed

The Federal Center for Health Care Aufklärung (BZgA) has a Freitag date of the new “Liebesleben-Studie” on sexual health and sexually transmitted infections. Anlass ist der Welttag der sexuellen Gesundheit am kommenden Mittwoch (4. September). 4,640 people were affected from 16 years ago.

The study said that BZgA the German Herausforderungen in der Präventions- und Aufklärungsarbeit rund um sexuell übertragbare Krankheiten: So onterschätzen velde Menschen, even a dertige Krankheit was affected by his können. The mirror is wider.

Research was conducted on 89 people who were sexually active, Erfungen with the Gebrauch von Kondomen. Persons, who live in a small party and in the letzten zölf Monaten Sex hatten, nutzen zu rund 50 Prozent “immer” or “häufig” a Kondom. Die Mehrheit (57 Prozent) der 16- to 25-year-olds in Germany had their own sex with sexual relations. The highest generation that has generated the overview on the Kondome is the family of Annahme, the man who himself won his life (62 Prozent).

BZgA-Chef: Bewusstsein über Geschlechtskrankheiten nicht ausreichend in Bevölkerung anchort

Dr. Johannes Nießen, the BZgA Commissioner Chief, has conducted a new study on the fact that the sexual active potential of a person with a sexual infection can be increased, while the infection can not be cured m spielen dabei eine Role”, so Nießen. “So 73 days of satisfaction for 16 years during the party Beziehungen for the first sex in the Beziehung not about sexually transmitted infection spoken.” The BZgA comes with its initiative “Liebesleben” which offers a “significant role in the prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases”.

Nießen said, man wants to protect young adults from the “importance of protection” for sexual illnesses and offers such as the Chlamydia screening hinweisen (#wissenwasrumgeht). Many infectious diseases are no longer sensible, but you will have a sexually highly sensitive infection handle, before you are a young person. An infection has not caused any infection. Untreatable can be a chlamydia infection infection by the pathogen, which can be treated with time in women and men by infertility. An infection with chlamydia can prevent the arrangement with antibiotics quickly and fully healthy. The BZgA study has now become one of the Chlamydia 60 years ago or read.

The BZgA Campaign “Liebesleben” war 2016 ins Leben will be a Bevölkerung for sexual übertragbareen Krankheiten zu schützen. Anyone who has received their previous prevention campaigns with “Gib Aids keine Chance” or “Mach’s mit” may receive that strange criticism upon criticism. The AfD-Jugendorganisation stated that punishment for “Liebesleben” (queer.deberichtete). Der Grund: the artificial education of “Gender Ideologists” is now used as a cover, “a trauma of a früh-sexuality, multisexual ‘Gesellschaft der Vielfalt’ with verwirklichen”. Die Anzeige hatte freilich keinen Erfolg. (cw)