
Fliegerbombe und Pfaffendorfer Brücke: Entschärfung am Dienstag

Fliegerbombe und Pfaffendorfer Brücke: Entschärfung am Dienstag

An American flying bomb from 2. Weltkrieg was financed at the Bauarbeiten zum Neubau der Pfaffendorfer Brücke in Koblenz. Curzzetig were the bridges for traffic blocked.

The Kampfmittelräumdienst must not be inferior to 250 kilo-fundpiece and the bridge in the direction of the Electoral Castle, which the municipal administration shares with. Make sure that the barrage of the bridge is heated and that the tension for the sale is free.

Entschärfung der Vliegerbombe nächste Woche Dienstag

The bomb is set on fire after the city by the commendendienst (3.9.) around 11 o’clock entschärft. Then the affected area must have been hit. The Evacuation was not as vermutlich as with other Bombenfunden, so a city speaker.

Map with Evacuation Radius for the Entrance of the Flight Bomb on the Pfaffendorfer Bridge

A bomb would turn the city into a security zone with a radius of approximately 300 meters.

City of Koblenz

Before the unexploded bombs have a place to stay within 300 meters of the Electoral Palace, the Rhine-Mosel Hall and the Weindorf will be evacuated. All shipping traffic on the Rhine and the Pfaffendorfer Bridge will then be completely blocked. It is the case that no residential area is hit, except for a large hotel on the Pfaffendorfer Bridge.