
Linke streben städtische GmbH voor Abwasserentsorgung an

Linke streben städtische GmbH voor Abwasserentsorgung an

The left party stops a recommunalization of Hansewasser for sin and bezahlbar. There is a problem with Bremer Volkswirtschaftsprofessor and Abwasser-Experten Ernst Mönnich in Auftrag geben. Seine Empfehlung: Der kerkkauf der Unternehmensbeteiligungen von Gelsenwasser und SWB und dem Abwasserunternehmen Hansewasser. If you turn 75 Percenten, 25 Prozent hears der Stadt Bremen. Das Ergebnis was a hundreds of thousands of city-owned GmbH.

Another argument for this variant: Hansewasser was happy in his current form and structure, and would also be dependent on an open-ended approach to the right. “Fachlich has no criticism and a Hansewasser, who machen as Abwasserbetrieb has a good job,” says Klaus-Rainer Rupp, haushalts- en wirtschaftspolitischer Sprecher der Linksfraktion.

Linke sees the Abwassergebühren

Was the Left compatible and sinned the government representation of the active Landesregierung, is the small current of the city. Rupp wants everything to lead to an amount of 20 million euros, the Hansewasser has become the owner of the formal Bremer Abwasserbetriebs in the year 1999. The goal of the community was an amount of 100 million euros of an amount of 18 prozen. Davon flies after the Abzug der Steuern jährlich über zehn Millionen and the Anteilseigner to Oldenburg and Gelsenkirchen.

Bremen hinges now two years ago, worth 200,000 euros. “Dieser private abgeschöpfte Überschuss entsteht ausschließlich aus openbar überhöhten Abwasser-Gebühren” said Rupp. If you do this, this is the problem of recommunalisierung.

The costs for the purchase of the company equipment cost the Gutachten von Monnich with a cow 100 million euros. Bislang stands at 500 million in space. When it was still not possible to undergo the internal security, while the total channel network was purchased, the anviserte Ziel was not notorious. The couplings arrange a full-fledged credit financing for the credit provision that is charged by Hansewasser. The sentence charges were then the part of the calculation for the dryers, but it may well have fallen out if the now abgeschöpften overstepped. “That is an air drin, to meet the demands despite the expediency”, Rupp is sure.

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