
Wilson’s school offers ‘huge congratulations’ to its class of 2024

Wilson’s school offers ‘huge congratulations’ to its class of 2024

Deputy Principal John Galligan congratulates Niamh Grier, Lauren Power, Juliet Hunter and Nathan Clendenning, who all achieved over 600 points in their Wilson’s Hospital School final exams.

The principal, vice-principal and staff of Wilson’s Hospital School have expressed “huge congratulations to all the students of the class of 2024” as they received their final exam results on Friday

Deputy Principal Mr Galligan said this year’s results were remarkable and demonstrated the resilience and talents of this year’s young adults. He, and the entire school community, were proud of them all, he said.

There were 63 students in the class of 2024 and more than a third of them achieved 500 points or higher. Four students achieved more than 600 points. Nearly half (48%) of the students achieved more than 450 points. The percentages are up across the board from last year and the school community is happy for the students.

Mr Galligan thanked all the teachers and staff at Wilson’s, especially the families who have supported the students from the beginning of their education. “These results reflect how your guidance and dedication to the overall development of the students, both academically and personally, inside and outside the classroom, has really paid off,” he said.

The Wilson community is eagerly looking forward to seeing the 2024 class at future student body events and hopes they will remain connected to the school as they continue their life journey.