
Schüler has bitten into a transparent process of depression in debt

Schüler has bitten into a transparent process of depression in debt

– Schüler petitionen für: Einbeziehung von Depressionsunterricht in den Schulplan!

A hearty Leiden, the best with the best headline, the Kraft-raubt, the Optimismus-style and the Bewustsein-trubt. Depression is often unacceptable, often with shyness or the Auswirkungen der Pubertät bewechselt. A few leading tasks in the Grundschule, in Durchschnitt kämpfen in the Mittelschule and two Schüler pro Class with Depression. See them in isolation, the nuts have fallen ab, social activities continue ab. Eltern rügen, Lehrer fordern, Gleichaltrige mocking, and no one stands up.

Depression can happen at any time

Long-term depression can seriously affect the disease, especially in children and adolescents. The probability of drug and alcohol abuse increases, social ties deteriorate, and motivation, the own future to shape, declines. The drama of the hidden suffering is often unnoticed, but it is spät ist.

Depression can play a major role. In Germany there are 500 youthful and young people living their lives. Depression is one of the main issues for this Selbstmorde.

Young people set themselves up for a campaign

He dies from the consequences of the German depression and the suicide prevention of a petition, while the depression is an integral part of the life plan. Bisher quickly collected 50,000 inscriptions, the soul is 100,000. If he sees that it is good, you can advise the youth of the chairman of the Minister of Education and Culture Minister Christine Streichert-Clivot.

Katharina Lachnitt is a founding member of the Youth Association. You can get an alternative for a year with a “depressive illness” diagnosis. There are many people who shift their depression and follow a diagnosis of PTSD. “My concentration power lies after, I was standard melancholic, with stomach and head pain and tinnitus”, Katharina remembers. It follows therapies and hospital stays. The Deutsche Stiftung Depression will be a young problem, an affected youth and your family are not at home.

In June 2021, you continue with the first interest, continue the Corona summer in free time and in video calls in the grass. If you talk about the experience, you can process learning materials and videos for your life about youth depression. “Then decided to give the mandate,” Katharina noted.

Depression is an illness

These students were taught that depression is a disease, that they were discussed can and must, and the support is feasible. A fresh diagnosis and treatment can cause the life distribution and the leadership of the Leiden explorations. Your depression can occur, its effect can be emphasized.

Those girls who have never been affected know the mind of a person who is struggling with depression. If the blame is learned, whoever is affected by a situation caused by Leiden.

“My classmates always muttered that I was lucky if I missed math because of a therapy session,” Katharina recalls. “But I would have preferred to tackle math than become depressed.”

Katharina found her involvement in the youth council helpful in dealing with her depression. “I can support others, it gave me a sense of purpose in life,” she says. She helps others in need, speaks at conferences and debunks misconceptions online. “You inspired me to visit the hospital,” one young woman wrote to her on Instagram. “I get messages like this all the time,” says Katharina.

She herself had been in the clinic for stabilization for a few weeks. As the pull toward darkness in her mind and heart increased, so did the urge to harm herself. “Non-suicidal self-harm” is a separate diagnosis, but often occurs in conjunction with major depressive disorder. Katharina reveals that she has not hurt herself in a year and a half. When the urge becomes unbearably strong, she seeks help. The ability to seek and accept help is a major achievement for people with depression.

Katharina is now 20 years old, she is training to be a care assistant. “I hope I don’t have to struggle with depression until the end of my life,” she says. “I have already made considerable progress.”

Depression can negatively affect the financial consequences of depression. Ways in the fight against depression can be one of the consequences of the crisis, poorer performance comes about and social activities with their Mitschülern-veraviden.

Schülern’s help on Depression in the School can be criticized, the illness will stigmatize and go to work

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