
Ausbildungsplatz find: Start-up vermittelt Azubis

Ausbildungsplatz find: Start-up vermittelt Azubis

Kompetenzzentrum der Innung Sanitär, Heizung and Klima

German companies complain about undesirable teaching methods. Young people do not find the right display. A platform that purchases help.

Source: dpa

If you want to know more, read the Plätze in Deutschlands Ausbildungsbetrieben. The Zahlen spoke a German Sprache: 2023 erreichte der Anteil unbesetzter Ausbildungsplätze ein new Rekordhoch. It has statistics from the Federal Agency for Labor.
So I remain in the past Jahr 35 Prozent der Lehrstellen unbesetzt. Laut een Umfrage der Deutschen Industrie- und Handelskammer (DIHK) kan gesetzen Jahr jeder zweite ihrer Ausbildungsbetriebe nicht alle Lehrstellen. Dennoch often finds young people on the Ausbildungsplatz.
Junger Mann bears Metallstück

At the Arbeitsmarkt you will find all the young people. In the East German federal states the power is under the merkbar. Arbeitgeber lead to a personal mangle.06.02.2024 | 10:06 min

Start-up as Vermittler zwischen Schülern und Betrieben

A start-up from Fulda can solve this problem. Die Idee hatten Malte Bürger, Jan Herold Müller and Hendrik Heil 2018.

“Viele unserer Mitschüler wussten nach der Schule nicht genau, was beruflich machen wollen. Da Thought wir three Gründer, that is cool ware, einfach since verschiedene Unternehmen kenlernen zu können”, erzählt Citizens gegenüber ZDFheute.

Das wollen die meisten Azubis

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For the presentation of ZDFheute infographics with the software of Datawrapper. As soon as you click here, the images will be loaded. Your IP address will be displayed on an external server of Datawrapper. You can use the data protection of Datawrapper to obtain information about the page with information. You can appeal to the protection of your data in the data protection settings. You can extend your support in the area of ​​”Meine News” at any time.
Aus der Idee is “stafftastic”. The Herzstück of Start-ups-bildet the “Praktikumswoche”. Inner half of a week, Schüler jeden Tag ein other’s Unternehmen get to know, absolveren “Tagespraktika”.

It’s an art speed dating.

Malte Bürger, stafftastic-Gründer

Federal Agency for Labor

Kurz for starting the new Ausbildungsjahres is the Zahl der Arbeitslosen in July, which is increasing as much as possible. Gesetzlich new from 1. August ist an Ausbildungsgarantee, with der Bewerbern an außerbetriebliche Ausbildung angeboten wird.31.07.2024 | 1:57 min

Look for Schools as the companies are free of charge in practice. The start-up stafftastic functions as a cutting point between Schools and Businesses. Young people tend to get to know another and orient themselves.

It seems that the expert Bernd Fitzenberger is an expert on the market. “Praktika sind ein wesentlicher Teil in der Berufsorientierung”, says Fitzenberger, director of the institutions for the Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, gegenüber ZDFheute.

Start-up Gründer Bürger looks at the Unternehmen Vorteile. Therefore, the stafftastic Gründer “einerseits können sie frühzeitig the targeted talent and the gleichzeitig in relative Kurzer Zeit vale Talente lernen lernen”, so the stafftastic-Gründer.

Platforms voor Vermittlung van Praktika, Ausbildungen und Fachkräften

Für den Austausch see Schülern and Unternehmen bereibt das Start-up three Plattformen. “” describes Bürger as “that little Schwester der Praktikumswoche”. Over the Platform provides stafftastic School Practice – auch longer Praktika von two two weeks.

For Schüler, the platforms are free of charge, for companies in their basic functions, ebenfalls. Companies tend to expand their operations and enlarge their functions.


2016 sets a Thuringian Autohaus über 14 Geflüchtete as Azubis one – but it is no more than that. Does labor market integration work in Thuringia?18.04.2024 | 2:00 minutes

The “Ausbildungsradar” can be used to review domestic and foreign affairs or a region. With the “Fachkräfteradar” the Fachkräfte in the region and the industry cannot be removed.

Mittlerweile utilities über 150.000 Unternehmen die stafftastic-Plattformen. For 30,000 Schüler konnte das Start-up bereits Praktika vermitteln.

Expert: Wir brauchen eine gesellschaftliche Strategie

The inheritance of stafftastic is also evident from the basic problems associated with the labor market.

Part of the staff address is a central problem: Youth and Business must reconnect. If the representation of the problem is somehow solved, this is a clearly attractive problem.

Bernd Fitzenberger, director of the Institutes for Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung

Craft fair

In the years gone by, 20,000 pieces of craftsmanship were not completed. Der Fachkräftemangel in the industry can think the least. A theme at the Handwerkmesse in Munich.28.02.2024 | 2:00 minutes

The problem is that the problem is bigger: the duration of the offer has started with the start of a display in the first half of 20. This Grund has brought young people to the attractive alternative, which can be used.

“This is a good job in terms of performance and workmanship, which is also part of the work environment. This plays a role in the appreciation of the mind of a single role”, says Fitzenberger gegenüber ZDFheute.

If you are another person, this is the ideal choice to find a part of the barrier. This “Gemengelage” is a part of the workforce that is not completely loose, so the economy. “Without a social strategy, with the tough youth for an Ausbildung fit machen, motivates and während der Ausbildung unterstützen”, Bernd Fitzenberger recommends.

What most Azubis are guilty of

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Source: ZDF

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