
Military experts missing Zukunftsvision für Bundeswehr — Extremnews — Die etwas others Nachrichten

Military experts missing Zukunftsvision für Bundeswehr — Extremnews — Die etwas others Nachrichten

The military history of Sönke Neitzel and the Generalleutnant a. D. Frank Leidenberger lacks a Zukunftsvision for the Bundeswehr. “If the Bundeswehr refuses to fight without fighting a war, that is the case, in itself the Kaiserliche Armee der Bewaffnung von Flugzeugen refuses,” wrote Neitzel and Leidenberger in a guest post for the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung”.

In the summer of 2011, the Russian invasion has become the Drone War as in the three-year passages. “Today we are confronted with all movements on the Front in real time”, they write. Please note that you should now see a part of the digital camp. The Star Link satellites work in the Ukrainian army and are more functional – the combat units are no longer active, the communication of the soldiers is no longer active and the punktgenauen are with the rockets first straight, so Neitzel and Leidenberger.

Ukraine could remain critical in the digital world, we will be aware of the western technology firms, which is in the host environment. After we have discovered our own start-up and innovation culture.

The Bundeswehr has rejected this enormous technical dynamic every day. A “kriegstüchtig” was by Neitzel and Leidenberger, the CEO of BWI, an IT service of the Bundeswehr, who was thinking about the Bundeswehr-gemeinsam with the Rüstungsindustrie. Noteworthy are a number of companies and companies in the rest industry, Start-ups, relevant entrepreneurs and business furnishers, the Beschaffungsorganization and above all in the Utility, who use one of the gemeinsamen Software-entwicklungsplattform their sollten.

Ohne deutlich mehr finanzielle Mittel became a new innovation that no longer existed, allowing the military experts to work. The Bundeswehr-müsse is such a leisten-können, not even used before by a parallel group of modern, weitreichende Präzisionsmunition-sowie Drohnen aller Leistungsklasse eenzuführen und daüber hinaus in Neuentwicklungen to invest. Schließlich has appointed Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) to represent Germany’s Quadratkilometer des Baltikums. “Man möchte ihm zurufen: Aber wie?”, so Neitzel and Leidenberger.

Quelle: dts Nachrichtenagentur