
Endlich Holidays for Cleaning the Road after Schwierigkeiten – “I am so grateful”

Endlich Holidays for Cleaning the Road after Schwierigkeiten – “I am so grateful”

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Einheimische sammeln Money for a Straßenputzer. A jahrelanger description can be given in Portugal. But sein Arbeitgeber poses itself querlt.

Beckenham – The city of Beckenham near London has a thorough street cleaner. Genauer has a suspicion. Therefore, a woman wants to thank for her pleasure and of course for her thanks – with a trip. The man shoves the Arbeitgeber des Mannes through strict gift guidelines that have a Riegel vor. The end of the trip has been reached, but it is still not possible to plan a trip. Thanks to the profit-making games of a travel agent.

There is a mention of the Wertschätzung

Road cleaner Paul Spiers has been with Abfallunternehmen Veolia since 2017 in the city of Beckenham, south of the London core center. It’s time to experience the hearts of residents with the playing of Elvis songs at work and the friendliness. Lisa Knight, real estate agent and a wife of Beckham, frowned upon her common love for Elvis Presley with Spiers and. When you’re back, it’s been a while in the holiday war in recent years – anlässlich seines 60. Birth stages traveled to Portugal -, Knight decides, I’m another trip dorthin zu ermöglichen, wie The negotiator message.

Endlich Holidays for Cleaning the Road after Schwierigkeiten – “I am so grateful”
A woman in the town of Beckenham would like to thank Straßenfeger Paul Spiers (63) and donate a trip. If your Arbeitgeber stellte sich quer is. © Lisa Knight, gofundme

So Knight started a fundraiser on the page for Paul Spiers, because the trauma can yield a couple of travel experiences. About 3,000 British pounds were added together at the end – more than enough for a beautiful holiday.

An unspoken disadvantage

But that Freude would not last long. Laut der British Tageszeitung The guard teilte Spiers’ Arbeitgeber mit, that is the spent money, money is not an issue. The background of the best immunization is one of the following, “Geschenke or Anreize” anzunehmen. If you are “shocked” by “saying that the money can no longer exist,” Knight explained in the conversation with the Guardian: “They are, they could have been changed.”

The response of the Unternehmens-führte to the Einwohnern von Beckenham to the Unverständnis and Wut. From political page bekam Spiers ebenfalls Unterstützung – the sisters of the parliamentary government Liam Conlon made a mistake in short about a loss, while Paul has the money, but can not be offended. The street cleaner himself took the divorce of his workers nevertheless. There “will not lose a job, if there is power in it, “sits Knight in him.

The glückliche Wendung is not worth much longer

Then, however, the happy turn came. If the journey “On the Beach” comes from the situation of the 1963, it is a personal affair for Spiers a “Gewinnspiel”, while they make the journey of their gains, for the knight who passes the time, who der Guardian message set. To achieve this, the following actions must be taken:

  • Man Gotta Love Elvis
  • Between 62 and 64 years old
  • The names of the Spires are dramatic
  • Road cleaner at Beckenham signal
  • There will be an end at the end of the journey

Little surprising wanted also Spiers. While the expenses were spent in one of the many hours of the journey, the Spiers thanked Annahm. Otherwise as the gift dares to travel as a gift. If you give a tip, you can spend a while in the summer.

Finally in the current residence

Somit stand Spiers Reise nichts more im Wege. Vom Flughafen Gatwick flog is nach Faro in Portugal. I went to my amazing hotel, the Monica Isabel Beach Club in Albufeira. This is the hotel, which is located at 60. Geburtstag seinen very first Urlaub im Ausland verbrachte. And then Sky News geteilten Bildern zufolge enjoyßt is seinen Urlaub in full Zügen.

Lisa Knight is happy with her – who wants them. “They are clear, that there is in the sun and there is a well-deserved enlightenment, my power and my own self, but the rest of the Kingdom is unglaublich glücklich“, it is my own Standard.