
Neuer Mpox-Stamm „More quickly, as we get better“ – Experts are concerned

Neuer Mpox-Stamm „More quickly, as we get better“ – Experts are concerned

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The new Mpox-Klade lb sorts at Wissenschaftlern für große Unruhe. A best brand mold has carried out an attack on the rapid mutation of the virus.

Frankfurt – The Weltgesundheitsorganisation published a report from the international Tragweite (PHEIC) on 14 August. The risks to the German population are estimated by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in a Mitteilung as small. There is an expert who now no longer knows that the virus is being abused if it mutates. Fachleute therefore sound the alarm.

Mpox-Erkrankung can put an end to the new Virusstamm birgt deutlich größere Gefahren

In May 2022, RKI reported cases of Mpox-Klade IIb in many federal states, there has never been a war in the virus – in Germany. The cases were nevertheless returned to Germany a few months later. 2023 is the first time in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo that the new tribal Klade Ib is lifted. In addition, Klade I and its variant Ib also appear in vulnerable countries. Mid-way, the WHO warned of a rapid spread of Mpox.

Mpox-Ausbrüche: WHO warns against rasanter Verbreitung.
A study has raised a concern about Mpox infections – WHO has warned of a spread of the virus. © Zanem Nety Zaidi/dpa

Die Klade I was brought into connection with a clear health check. So you will receive an Erkrankung mit der Klade I in Vergleich zum Ausbruchsgeschehen der Klade IIb deutlich häufiger tödlich. The installation, as a rule, takes place during contact with wild animals and people with people. Mpox has control over the symptoms and can cause a problem.

Mpox-Klade lb mutiert faster “as we würden”

It is impossible to remove the new virus strain. Dr. Miguel Paredes of the Fred Hutchison Cancer Center in Seattle has studied Mpox and other viruses. Gegenüber erklärt er, dass die Klade lb a Mutationname APOBEC3 in sich trägt. There is a Zeichen for the Anpassung voor de Menschen.

The Forscher description, the Mpox Virus is “very stable” and is constantly changing. If the new virus strain symbol lb verhalte itself, you will die differently: “All human beings are affected by the consequences of these APOBEC mutation signatures, but they will change more quickly if they change,” so Paredes.

“Werden Schwierigkeiten haben”: WHO expert warns against Mpox-Entwicklung

Dr. Dimie Ogoina, an infectious diseases expert at the Niger Delta University Hospital in Nigeria and the lead author of the WHO’s Mpox Notfallausschussen, says this is the case “If we do not understand the consequences, and if we do not understand the consequences, we will have more control over the problems that arise from the underlying dynamics, the risk of illness and the risk factors of the illness,” thus der Experte. “And if the mache is caused by the disease, the virus is insulted and a new strain reforms.”

Laut Ogoina has a brainchild from years ago, as the Mpox-Klade IIb in homeland Nigeria – two months ago 2017 a Mpox-Übertragung from Man to Man was established – so we have a great hat, a seriousness to the people expands with can. The Klade has the Gleiche in a year as a year. The WHO has in 2024 in Congo more than 18,000 cases of the Groups and Ib-gekommen – which have fallen on 615 deaths.

Nor keine Mpox-Fälle der Klade I in Deutschland nachgewiesen

In Germany, Mpox-Fall would still not have passed the first class, which the RKI declares. Nevertheless, the Institute does not yet expect a higher level of safety in Germany. It is possible that the situation will not go well and that the risks may increase.

Deshalb is very aware of the German behavior of the Bedrohungslage durch Mpox derzeit keine Maßnahmen im memedizinischen Sinne. Since it is so, the impfstoff resources will appear on the Klade, or an impfstoff mangle at Mpox that can be used. (bk)