
Bornreihe has been warned about Cuxhaven

Bornreihe has been warned about Cuxhaven

The phenomenon that is not solved, is an upward movement in the sea, a wider Erwarten strong Rolle spielt. The euphoria in the Fußball-Landesliga Lüneburg plays for the good start of RW Cuxhaven as a role, says Tom Pretzel, for the co-trainer of the SV Blau-Weiß Bornreihe is no more than normal. There is talk of a well-developed player with trainer Lars Uder and the Spitze, at Heeslinger SC and at the SV Drochtersen/Assel-bereits high reclassified collected hat.

The “Moorteufel” is also warned if you see the Aufsteiger from Cuxhaven am Sonntag (15 Uhr) to Heimspiel empfangen. There are two teams that meet each other, the siege with four spielen is carried out. One of the first players to start at the Oberliga-Absteiger, after trainer Markus Werle has been given the opportunity to follow the young years at MTV Römstedt, the real Prüfungen will not come – and I will leave the Cuxhavener.

Co-trainer Tom Pretzel focuses on the most focused Prüfstein, one of the 3:1-Sieg against the TuS Harsefeld ophorchen liess and a 4-1-4-1-System heraus very compact steht, as Pretzel explains. During the second phase of the battle against the Cuxhaven of a certain offensive attack, it will be in the following Aufstiegssaison-rundruckende 109. “Wir werden alles investieren müssen”, with Tom Pretzel.

The Hausherren were by Philip Bähr and Justin Schmidt come out must – which would last even longer. Schmidt, if you no longer go to Einsatz, inform then an Operation two to four weeks later, Bähr zog sich a Muskelfaseriss zu. A small fragment gives a hint of Jeremy da Rocha Nunes. There is a hatte unter der Woche Rückenschmerzen.

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