
F-16 lost: Selenskyj entlässt Chief of the Luftwaffe

F-16 lost: Selenskyj entlässt Chief of the Luftwaffe

KIEW (dpa-AFX) – Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selensky has hired Luftwaffenkommandeur Mykola Oleschtschuk. The office where there was no Grund, could call on the Verlustiging of a Westliche Kampfjets F-16 with the Pilots in the background. The Präsidialamt in Kiev is light of an entprechenden Erlass Selenskyjs.

At the time when the Generalstab was getting off to its best start, one of the new machines of the Type F-16 in the Einsatz had lost a massive Russian Luftangriff on the Montag. The Reason War of an Absturz. Allerdings schlossen Ukrainian Abgeordnete and Aktivisten a vers hentlichen Abschuss durch de own Flugabwehr nicht aus.

“I have myself entschlossen, the Kommandeur of the Luftwaffe of Ukraine will entlassen,” said Selenskyj in the Seiner abendlichen Videoansprache. There are all kinds of problems with the Luftwaffe, which are a result of the creation of Ukraine. “That’s gold plated for the Kommandoebene. We must have become stronger. We will keep our lives safe.”

Oleschtschuk kritisierte am Freitag auf Telegram eine Abgeordnete, de official Version des Absturzes in Zweifel zog. If your Russian propaganda has appeared, the fact is that you are aimed at delivering it. The Verlust der Maschine was upgraded, for example in the United States in Herstellerland USA. The Generalleutnant has commanded the Ukrainian Luftwaffe since 2021. Please follow the instructions below as soon as possible./fko/DP/he