
Breuninger in Munich wants to buy: Interesting is not unbekannter

Breuninger in Munich wants to buy: Interesting is not unbekannter

Munich – It is first a rich year, the Breuninger groß ein, um in the Sendlinger Straße the new Shopping and Erlebniswelt zu new. You can also choose to have exclusive Marks with a beautiful Schuhwelt, abschließbare Separate Corners, Themenwelten und Hauseigenen Gin. 2021 has the Swabian Unternehmen das Traditionshaus Konen übernommen, major umgebaut and new Mitarbeiter eingestellt. But the new name a historical Kaufhaus-Standort is vermutlich schon kaal wieder Geschichte. Breuningers are eager to buy, report the “Wirtschaftswoche”.

The customer is interested in this message regarding the Thai Central Group, the one in Munich takes a long time. Uncannable more ist. Another interest is one of the new Galeria-Gesellschafters: from American colleague Richard Baker (58). Both hats after the Zusammenbruch by René Benkos Signa large Teile des Warenhausgeschäfts übernommen.

Breuninger no longer wants to go to AZ-Ask. He commented “generally no market rumors”, shared a speaker with.
Das Bekleidungsunternehmen Breuninger hat seinen Sitz in Stuttgart and bereibt in Deutschland und Luxemburg 13 Häuser mit rund 6500 Mitarbeitern. We have since been in Bavaria: in Nuremberg and in Munich.

For three years there was a Kaufhaus-Ära zu Ende in Sendlinger Straße

The Kaufhauses’ house in Sendlinger Straße went a little further to Ende. The history of the largest fashion houses in Germany, the history of the history since 1871. In the present year of the Jewish Kaufmann Isidor Bach seine “Kleiderfabrik Isidor Bach”; der Augsburger gilded as Erfinder der Konfektionskleidung. Seine first Filiale in Munich gründete is 1878 am Marienplatz. For three years now, the Gesamtbetrieb Seiner Kleiderfabrik nach München in Sendlinger Straße 5 has been working with more basic construction. Legendary generations of small Konen-Kunden wars by the Rutsche in the Kaufhaus in Sendlinger Straße. Let the Relikt verschwand 2022 be beautiful in the other Konen-Namenszug an der Fassade.

Who could possibly use the name Breuninger and the Kaufhaus in Sendlinger Straße any longer?
Who could possibly use the name Breuninger and the Kaufhaus in Sendlinger Straße any longer?
© Sigi Müller
Who could possibly use the name Breuninger and the Kaufhaus in Sendlinger Straße any longer?

by Sigi Müller


Those last minutes and more hours as hundertjährigen Geschichte: 2022 monieren Handwerker die Konen-Buchstaben ab.
Those last minutes and more hours as hundertjährigen Geschichte: 2022 monieren Handwerker die Konen-Buchstaben ab.
© Ulrich Opitz
Those last minutes and more hours as hundertjährigen Geschichte: 2022 monieren Handwerker die Konen-Buchstaben ab.

by Ulrich Opitz


Beim Verkauf von Konen and Breuninger hated Gabriele Castegnarothe Enkelin von Johann Konen, noch gesagt: Die Geschäfte würden in best Weise fortgeführt, man habe sich entschlossen, “in den Besten unserer Branche zu purchase”.
Who has visited the house and it was in the world, is not very insulting. The Eigentümerfamilie Breuninger will praise the “Wirtschaftswoche” in his Warenhausgeschäft as the real estate sales. Das Interesse is groot. Demnach gibt es 31 Interessenten. If we see more, it is interesting that the joint package focuses on the Central Group and Richard Baker.

The Thai Unternehmen Central Group is involved in the Oberpollinger and the KaDeWe

The Central Group prepares the Oberpollinger purchased in der Kaufingerstraße as well as the luxury store KaDeWe in Berlin and the Alsterhaus in Hamburg. In June 2024, it is not yet the case that the previous employee of the company has still signed his signature.
The Konzern Central Group has heard the Chirathivat family, the richest families of Thailand have been heard (AZ message). The Group covers supermarkets, supermarkets, hotels and restaurants. There is also a Warenhauskonzern La Rinascente (Italian) is also associated with Selfridges (Großbritannien) and Globus (Schweiz). The American magazine Forbes estimated ihr Vermögen 2023 at 12.4 billion dollars.

Will the Nobel House Oberpollinger in Munich be an investor in Thailand?

“Wir kaufen fast ni etwas”: Since the new Investors for …


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Nur nor a few Monate bleibt der alte Name, den Generationen von Münchnern know, am Gebäude.

Traditionsgeschäft verliert Namur: Aus Konen wird Breuninger


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Breuninger received the title “Wirtschaftswoche” from the Debts beef costs two billion euros, the real estate costs 1.8 billion euros for the largest price. The Unternehmen is known in the fashion industry as Ausnahmeerscheinung, a “Leuchtturm”, der alle Stürme überstand. Während Escada, Peek & Cloppenburg, Hallhuber und Zuuletzt auch Esprit Insolvenz registers, scaffolded the Stuttgarter with exclusive mode in the term: 2023 is a proceeds of 1.5 billion euros. Breuninger hates investing and gilding online if this is bad.

Auch Breuninger hat een lang geschichte. The first Geschäft war 1881 von Eduard Breuninger in Stuttgart was gründet, zehn Jahre nach Konen.