
With the Zahnputz-Fehlern, the Zähne gelb statt became white

With the Zahnputz-Fehlern, the Zähne gelb statt became white

Kaffee, Tee, Wein und Rauchen verärbt unsere Zähne – that is the duration of it. If the Zähneputzen the Zähne gelb statt weiss farben – and black thenn, when a man gets a Fehler.

Zahnbelag, Lebensmittel and more: Die Ursachen für gelbe Zahndrukärbungen since fallfältig. Auch Genussmittel wie Nikotin, Koffein or Wein können für Verfärbungen sorgen. Hygiene ensures that the laundry is less pale – but due to the incorrect wells, there is a man who is the result: the treatment becomes gelb. There is an expert who asked a man to use a fehler for zähneputzen-vermeiden.

Bei zu starkem Schrubben geht der Zahnschmelz lost – that takes care of the gel

Zahnarzt Dr. Tristan Peh from Singapore hat in a video in the social networks, while the false Zähneputzen who are Zähne gelb, became statt weiß. My passion is all because of the strong Schrubben, the day of the Zahnschmelz lost geht. Also, a German expert has already been reported. “Der Kollege aus Singapur hat nicht ganz Unrecht, dass man durch zu starkes Zähneputzen – das Schrubben – the Zahn damaged kann. Basically that is true, that is more factors with air travel,” says Mediziner Jens Vogel in an interview with RTL.

Would it be possible to draw attention to the strong scrubbing, even yellow? Jens Vogel has an explanation for this: “You scrub on a line and remove entire tooth groups – you must carefully remove each individual tooth. Underneath the tooth paste lies the natural yellow dentine. As time passes, the fluid may no longer be delivered. It is a more powerful product that is more dental. The tooth becomes yellower in this way.” Until the fall comes in, several years can pass. The expert continued: “If it is good, if a company uses a heartless tooth brush, it can also be a violation of tooth decay management.” A heartless tooth brush is a sin.

Auch die Zahnpasta is divorced

There is no negative assessment of the quality of the paste yet, but this is neither another factor, but one of the following factors: “If a person uses a very different Zahnpasta, his large amount of paste will be used I can not say otherwise than that I have a Schädigung Führen.“

For the tooth cream, the RDA value should be between 35 and 50 by the experts – this is on the packaging. If it is not good, there is a clever tooth brush, tooth paste is the technique used for the tooth marks – so that the Beisserchen are not yellow in a white and paintable way.