
US-Börsen legend zu – PCE-Index niedriger als erwartet

US-Börsen legend zu – PCE-Index niedriger als erwartet

US-Börsen legend zu – PCE-Index niedriger als erwartetThe US-Börsen has had a Freitag Zugelegt. Our trading in New York was worth 41,563 points, with a plus in the price of 0.6 percent compared to the previous trading day. A few minutes were spent expanding the S&P 500 with a beef 5,650 Punkten 1.1 Prozent in Plus, the technology stock exchange Nasdaq berechnete the Nasdaq 100 with this Zeitpunkt with bovine 19.575 Punkten 1.3 Prozent in Plus. Please note that the Freitagabend inheritance is über new öffentlicht inflation data. The PCE Core Index, with the costs of living and energy, became 0.2 percent in July.

I have been doing a price quote in June for a year of 2.6 years and it didn’t work out. If we see a new signal now, while the US Central Bank Federal Reserve has taken the lead, inflation in the Zwei Prozent can increase even further with that case. The European Community’s inflation at Freitagabend is increasing: A euro costs 1.1054 US dollars, a dollar war is paid for 0.9046 euros. The Goldpreis says it’s good, I have come across a profit of 2,503 US dollars (-0.7 percent). A price of 72.80 euros per gram has been paid. The oil price sank the German price: A Fass der Nordsee-Sorte Brent kostente am Freitagabend gegen 22 Uhr deutscher Zeit 78.80 US-Dollar, which were 114 Cent or 1.4 Prozent weniger as a Schluss des previous Handelstags.

Photo: Wallstreet, über dts Nachrichtenagentur