
A tour through Eastern Styria

A tour through Eastern Styria

Man sollte dem Leib etwas Gutes beets, damn the Seele Lust hat, dare to live. ‘Wusste schon Winston Churchill. It is a journey that regularly takes you through Eastern Styria. The largest Obstgarten Österreichs is located in the Oststeiermark, genauer in the Apfel-Land-Stubenbergsee region. Man punktet als Urlaubsziel met een Vielzahl von Ausflugsmöglichkeiten: Das Rauchstubenhaus in Anger zeugt von landlicher Baukultur und de Keltendorf Kulm von der reichen Vorgeschichte.

Entlang der Steirischen Apfelstraße starts on September 1st. We will continue with the guided tours during the lab stations. A bunte Vielfalt can be boated: a long route (8.8 km) for the Fleißigen, and a kürzere (4.8 km) for jene, the race for the reinforcement. If both are inherited from a Führer Interesting and Amüsantes in Obstbau en Region, can be at the Labestationen rasten and kosten en gemeinsam a Tag in Genussparadies genius. September 1st was the Zeit hat – the route that took place on October 27th and the betting started on another day!

Adventure runs at the Stubenbergsee

There are no more programs that are not on the Stubenbergsee, the warm bathing lake of Austria, under all Herberstein with the Tierwelt, the Gironcoli Museum, the Schaugärten and the imposing Schlossanlage are located. If there is a rundumerholung program, you can go directly to the Stubenbergsee to the hotel in Boutique Hotel Erla. Man can enjoy sauna and various massages here – whole body massage, hot stone massage or aromatherapy massages. A great fitness bot and a qualified trainer team ensure the Entspannung, Erholung, Wohlbefinden.


A Besuch in der Tierwelt Herberstein

Here you will find the world of nature, nature, history and art. During a Frischluft-Safari, the entire continent can ride on 700 levels in the free Wildbahn. During a Schlossführung in the Gartenschloss Herberstein, one can refresh oneself with an adventurous journey into the Vergangenheit seine Geschichtskenntnisse auf.
