
Also include: Rauchstopp “halbiert” Infarktrisiko

Also include: Rauchstopp “halbiert” Infarktrisiko

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Also include: Rauchstopp “halbiert” Infarktrisiko
Besser spät as not: Laut eine Studie wird Profiten Herzkranke vom Rauchstopp. (Archivbild) © Axel Heimken/dpa/dpa-tmn

If you diagnose a reweighted on a sight, your risk is sent a quick infarction. With the Rauchstopp it was not so that the time of the welds fell.

London/Leipzig/Bremen – Dass Rauchen is a powerful tool, it is all possible. “A study has been done that is not negative with a grain of grain,” says Ulrich Laufs from the erasure of the German Herzstiftung and director of Cardiology at the Universitätsklinikum Leipzig. But if there are any complications, the damage caused by tumors, damage and relapse can occur.

A study said that the view of the Cigarettes on the diagnosis of a stable coronary heart disease no longer – and the risks for the heart circle-lauf-ereignisse with a infarction erheblich sent. “A stable coronary heart disease has begun, when the heart circle-laufs are narrowed by calcium deposits”, Laufs explains. Stable in the future, it is not that the heart circle-lauf-vorfallen by a verschluss of blood cells-surveyed, and heart infarcts or strokes.

In the future of Forscher-heraus, as the risks for a dangerous event in a time-lapse of a fast years (44 percent) are, when patients after the diagnosis with the smoke get up. Days see themselves at smokers, the heart of the cigarette consumption is completely reduced, no German risk history in comparison to those who keep this habit.

If you don’t want to diagnose – will you?

When he started the first year after diagnosis, said study engineer Jules Mesnier of the Bichat-Claude Bernard Hospital in Paris. If your teilnehmern, die nach der Diagnose das Rauchen stopped, 73 Prozent in this Zeitraum abstinence and sent thus ihr Risiko für Herzinfarkte and other schwerwiegende Herz-Kreislauf-Vorfälle deutlich.

Wegweiss Heart Center
Afterwards, your health care remains fresh for a long time. (Archive image) © Robert Michael/dpa

If the patient is diagnosed four times quickly, the diagnosis is no longer correct, the last time he is able to follow the cardiologist Harm Wienbergen from the clinic Links van de Weser in Bremen, is a logical consequence: “After such a life-threatening shock diagnosis, the motivation to hear the smoke is higher than ever.”

Patients wonder if the diagnosis is made at the diagnosis, while the damage is being repaired. If you say that your risk for a “severe honor or death to half the point” is, a strong Botschaft, concrete Mesnier.

Ex-Raucher in het Vergleich zu active Rauchern schnell a German Reduzierung ihres Risikos for Herzinfarkte and other cardiovaskuläre Ereignisse therezielten – the Risiko-Niveau von Nichtrauchern is reichten si der Studie-zufolge auch Jahre später nicht.

If you are taking care of your patients while the cigarette is happy, the risks for a gravitational fall are increased by a few years in the middle of an eight percent. “A heart attack can cause life-long heart failure and heart failure, because the heart is damaged in its entire function,” says Wienbergen.

If you are about to smoke – or if you notice it first -, then this is not the case and Gutes are very. Non-smoking feels no risk for Herzinfarkt and Schlaganfall, among other things for Demenz and Diabetes.

Expert: Nichtraucher-Umfeld hilft beim Aufhören

Damit Raucher, who is sick or not, has a tobacco consumption, so that the unmittelable environment from the surrounding environment is best, and is appreciated: “The sense of well-being, the environment is good for you, with the environment in mind, is of great importance, but in the environment you are exposed to.” Patients come with drug treatment or Nikotinersatztherapy intervention.

“I know that my patients are very happy, so they are happy or not, with the care they need,” says Mesnier. “If you hold a patient back, it is worth using the Herz-Kreislauf-Risiko.”

Overcrowded Aschenbecher
Cardiologist: Nichtraucher-Umfeld hilft beim Rauchstopp. (Archive image) © Jens Kalaene/dpa

The study, which was held at the mortality conference of the European Society for Cardiology (ESC), was presented at the end of August in London, where it included 32,378 patients who had died within 6.5 years after being diagnosed with treatment for koronal herzickness. From the inside the beef was 13,400 Teilnehmer (41.3 Prozent) not rauchten, fast 15,000 (46.2 Prozent) were ehemalige Raucher, and etwa 4,000 (12.5 Prozent) rauchten more. dpa