
Hundesportverein – Schwechater Trainingsplatz für Hunde soll auch Hundeangst abbauen

Hundesportverein – Schwechater Trainingsplatz für Hunde soll auch Hundeangst abbauen

“These Hundefreunde Schwechat are not as classical Hundeschule without as Hundesportverein”, so Obfrau and Pferdetierärztin Jasmin Cermak. At the end of 2023, the Schwechaterin community met with the Hundetrainerin Eva Weizdörfer, Patricia Ottahal (Schwechater Gemeindebedienstete), Sabine Karlik and Didi Koller the Verein for a versatile man and dog. Nicht im Vorstand since two external trainers: Robert Straub von der Hundeschule Münchendorf and Alexandra Sieber von Pfote

The Stadtgemeinde Schwechat offers the Hundefreunden an 1,800 quadratmeter large Fläche as a Training Place for Verfügung. With a one-time financing of 25,000 Euro, the new Hunde training center is offered as Starthilfe. The “Hundefreunde-Büro”, a container, is located on Juli am Platz in Franz Schuster Straße 3-5, on the Baseballplatz der Blue Bats. “Einige Breitensport Geräte haben wir schon aus großen Holzkabeltrommeln gebaut”, so die Obfrau.

A step, a tunnel and a jumping ring were donated by the association from another dog training area. “The agility equipment was given away next week”, so Cermak. 3000 euros were invested in the association in the new dog sports equipment. “It is a high acceleration of the A-Wand, a seesaw, a slalom course and another agility exercise” that goes through life.

For more tolerance between people and dogs

The Hundefreunde Schwechat can, with its Verein, improve the communication and interaction between Hund and Mensch in the service of Hundebesitzer and Nicht-Hundebesitzer. “Auch ohne Hund ist man bei us willkommen” shows Cermak the Intention of the Vereins. “People can work here, drink and enjoy their work,” says Cermak.

The Hundefreunde-Team has played Agility Trainings for Anfänger, Begleithunde-Kurse, Welpensozialisierungs-Kurse, Alltagskurse (for smaller problems with the treuen Vierbeiner) and a lighter Spiel-Sport-Spaß-Trainings for more confident four-legged roadfährten and less fit Hunde at Mitte September. Jeden Freitag will be at the Körpersprache der Hunde from 5 p.m. “Here we can learn from people who are their own people, who can relate to themselves with their own people,” so that Obfrau.

Wer nown has become new: The Eröffnungsfeier in der Franz Schuster Straße 3-5 in Rannersdorf starts on September 7. September at 2 p.m. Für Speisen und Getränke ist laut Cermak gesorgt.