
Auszeichnungen – Stadtwappennadel for Franz Blüml and Hannes Winkler

Auszeichnungen – Stadtwappennadel for Franz Blüml and Hannes Winkler

Unternehmer Ing. Franz Blüml discovered the Golden Stadtwappennadel for his many years of working in the Wiener Neustädter Wirtschaft and his involvement in family involvement. 1965, the anniversary of Franz Blüml in the Brodtischgasse, a trade with plastic articles of all art. The heritage of the human beings brought it within itself, that the Räumlichkeiten bare were small. In 1982 the changeover took place at Fischauer Gasse 144, where the “Technische Kunststoffe” went to more Erweiterungen that belonged to the discovery and were created by Andreas Blüml, Franz Blümls Sohn.

Hannes Winkler, a “Hans Dampf in Allen Gassen” in positive Wortsinn, erhielt vom Bürgermeister die Silberne Stadtwappennadel. Winkler is Obmann of the Kleingartenvereins in der Robert-Stolz-Siedlung and since the Vorjahr auch Vizepräsident der Kleingärtner Niederösterreichs. Darüber functions in the Robert-Stolz-Siedlung as a ‘Siedlungsprecher’ and is thus a bond with the residents and residents who practice the city and the house destruction. The Winkler organizer is busy organizing activities in the Grätzl or in the Kleingarten bzw. is an active part of city life.

“Also, if both have a natural personal sphere, it is only one thing: the long history of the Stadt Wiener Neustadt and its great involvement in many companies in society, society or the economy. In the Gründen, Franz Blüml as Hannes Winkler has earned the Stadtweapon badge more than he deserves. I swear in the name of the city of Wiener Neustadt, thank you! for your continued support of our hometown and your desire for continued success, strength and natural health,” said Mayor Klaus Schneeberger.