
ALDI SÜD: Gemeinsam für eine flächendeckende Ernährungsbildung

ALDI SÜD: Gemeinsam für eine flächendeckende Ernährungsbildung

ALDI SÜD welcomes partner Acker from 10 years of GemüseAckerdemie.


ALDI SOUTH It’s a matter of years and longevity with Acker eV Main partner of the GingerAckerdemie. When the 10th anniversary of the discounter’s social life and Bildung program is celebrated with Acker, there is more attention for the theme of Ernährungsbildung to buy. Both companies are putting together one of the best children’s and youth activities.

One of the theme experiences and Acker’s involvement in noticing machines, gratuliere ALDI SÜD is a long-term partner on his cinnamon of 10 years Best of the social economies and the associated Bildungprogramma GemüseAckerdemie. So use the discounter another website and the digital handzetel, an Acker to celebrate and his customer:innen for the right contribution of Nahrungsbildung for a conscious and sustainable Nahrungsweise to sensitize. Au on social media and in the family during the anniversary to be very busy. Das dahinterliegende Ziel: Gemeinsam mehr Wertschätzung für Nature und Lebensmittel kosten.

The Acker anniversary took place at the end of August during the second AckerFestival in Berlin, which was a conscious and lasting celebration at the time of engagement. Auf der AckerKonferenz, die am 29. August stattfindet, meet Akteur:innen aus Wissenschaft, Bildung, Wirtschaft und Politik aufeinander and discussions about the future evaluation and a future development system – under the Speaker:innen ist auch Erik Dö bele, Managing Director National Buying & Services at ALDI SÜD. On August 30th there was AckerFest with workshops and activities for families and children’s boats – ALDI SÜD is there with a Food Truck, and they want us to be able to build an organic own market for a year.

ALDI SÜD has the power over and subsequent Ernährung for all zugänglich

It can happen that ALDI SÜD has a good and bad breathing space for a few years. In 2023, ALDI SÜD has published a final, annually appearing nutrition report for the first time. Bundling the ambitious ambitions of the companies in the region is the best nutrition: From building healthier and more sustainable assortments to optimizing recipe choices to focusing on nutrition education. So ALDI SÜD offers more than 1,000 vegan products, which a year later represent more than 600 organic articles and an organic retailer no. 1 in its own product range.