
Lukas Gutacker from MTSV Eschershausen for Duell with VfR Hehlen in Interview

Lukas Gutacker from MTSV Eschershausen for Duell with VfR Hehlen in Interview

Eschershausen. The MTSV Eschershausen has started the new season of the Fußball-Kreisliga. The 21 year old Torhüter and Herrenoordinator Lukas Gutacker spoke in “Interview des Spieltags” about the bisherigen Leistungen, the kommenden Gegner VfR Hehlen and the Zukunft des Vereins.

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Herr Gutacker, what about the active Saison?

I find the Saison interesting. Mannschaften with Bevern and Wesertal have dominated all football fans in the Kreis. Dasselbe gilded vielleicht for a worried holprigen Start in the Saison.

They speak the direct instructions. If you have made a choice from 13 gegentore cashier. That you dare as Torhüter especially nerven…

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If we play with a different defense, we won’t be so sure, who lets Jahr. Those 13 Gegentore stören mich naturel. I am proud of myself, in my play with my best Leistung abzurufen and everything that you have.

In the Vergangen Spielzeit, Ihr trainer Alexander Leidner is on the Pfosten. Is there a problem if you prevent your solves?

If it is good, a friend of Alex can no longer know anything. If Kai Witt, from Barsinghausen, is a zurückgekehrt, he has not found another extremely strong alternative. If they can both be in the fight during the war, the leader is during a long war.

Here you can read: Alle Stimmen zum siebten Spieltag

We will stay with your trainer shortly. As coordinator of the retraining department, he or she can be the trainer of the MTSV. Why is Leidner no longer focused after four years?

At Alex stimulated a certain game with fachlichem know-how and the human factor. There is no question of a der Mannschaft. Trotzdem schafft is in the right moments, the gemanderte professional abzurufen.

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As a player, Leidner is often still with dabei. Was the team not yet born?

Alex gave us everything in the Hintermannschaft, which was extremely Sicherheit. Man notes that it is all more frivolous, if it is on the Platz. Trotzdem müssen will have a natural way to enjoy, or near the field-ergebnisse that is sweet.

It is a sonntag from 15 o’clock to fragment Hehlen. The coming Gegner invests the letzten Platz. Who is the man who plays such a game?

We can risk a game if we want to play another game. Serious reactions and reactions to behavior are a Grundvoraussetzung.

Since many people are happy, there is a play that makes the game light. Do you see what happened, or do you want to create a Konstellation that goes beyond Herausforderungen?

There are often problems with the emergence of problems, which can increase the potential of the company. Daher gilded is the concentration of the beginning and the holding and raising of our game.

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Hehlen hat in dieser Saison bisher nur three Tore gessen. Who wants to be sure that this match will be like Torwart vor?

Egal, about 30 Tore. I have seen everything, it was a passion of the Platz, which stretched and would draw my attention to the concentrares.

Is it a matter of playing at Hehlen, which you want to buy later?

Like Torwart, a man is always a player, the man outside the Auge has, although a certain Torgefahr is radiated, so that he comes into Tornähe and the Ball. If it is good, it is not the case that you are playing a certain Spieler game, while you are playing on the game.

Lassen Sie uns noch über Ihre Mannschaft reason. Who is the Stimmung for this game, gerade nach at the first Siegen?

With woolen nightgowns. The game against Bevern was not good. Wir wollen oder unserer alten Stärke zurückfinden. It’s a matter of punk.

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Was he as good for his own team as for the team before the new Saisonverlauf of the world?

For a gilded version of this simple Saisonziel, above mitsuspielen. We want to improve ourselves every year. The wisest is that all playing pleasure is free.

Would you like a personal representation of your time at MTSV Eschershausen?

If MTSV is on the right track, this is noticeable. I also try to, as a master coordinator, carry out my part for the succession of the association. Air always goes according to plan. If you are busy yourself, you will not understand the journey.