
Butter or margarine: That’s healthy

Butter or margarine: That’s healthy

Am Frühstückstisch hat jeder einen Favoriten: Die een brauchen den weichen Geschmack von Butter auf der Stulle. The others love margarine as a tasty alternative.

Butter or margarine? Which is healthy?

“The Frage is not easy to answer”, says Ernährungsmediziner and Autor Burkhard Jahn (“Der gesunde Mensch”). One of the diplomatic medicine and material therapy of Silke Lorenz-Gürtler said: “The ant herb was then ausrichten, wer my fragment.”

Aber ganz von vorn: Bezüglich der Kalorien tun themselves die both not fell. Ein gestrichener Esslöffel (10 Grams) Butter hat 75 kcal, Margarine 72 kcal.

That’s stuck in the laces

Butter is a natural product, which is included in all the rules of Kuhmilch. If the natural color substance beta-carotene is used, it can no longer be processed. What is wrong with the cholesterol? “There are in 100 grams of butter about 240 milligrams – so about as much as in a single egg”, says Silke Lorenz-Gürtler.

Margarine hinges are an industrially restored product. When it is difficult, it becomes a piece of cake and a party. So a suntan oil gets warm or comes from nature at a party with palm core or coconut fat with einsatz.

“If the Zusammensetzung can no longer be viewed, the gesundheitliche Bewertung no longer falls out”, said Lorenz-Gürtler. You can follow a study by Prof. Werner O. Richter. There is a mathematical leadership of the Academy for different and integral Fettstoffwechseltherapie.

Fat is not equal Fat

Jedenfalls is clear: Fette is not light. “There are no other materials that are of great importance,” said Ernährungsmediziner Burkhard Jahn, from the University of Oldenburg and Hannover Lehrt.

During your stay, you will be able to cope with the illness you suffer from, diabetes, diabetes and a serious illness. “If your cholesterol is high and you are overweight, you need to increase,” says Jahn.

Mittlerweile could make a bigger difference – the Fett is not a Fett. Most of the sättigten Fettsäuren can be used if the Jahn Mittlerweile is “freigesprochen”.

A good reference point for all Butter Fans: This is the best way to run zwei Dritteln.

In Margarine the Anteil is a sättigten Fatty Acids most lighter. Here you will find no distinction between the jewelry of margarine products.

Transfette & Omega-6-Fette in Margarine

A critical look at the medical mediation of Jahn and his Gruppen of Fetten, all of which are in other types of margarine, finds: the Omega-6 fat and the hydrogenated fat.

“From both sides, the ganz fell out in our messages, we will find the start and the blutdruck jetties,” says the Mediziner. Really good man, that is practically all chronic diseases that result from Bluthochdruck, Krebs, Demenz and Rheuma as a result of treatment processes.

“If you have done a great mixture of things, then development has begun, then it is worth keeping the state of affairs going all the time.”

It’s gel for Transfette. Go to the colorful Fetten, in the Regel aus Ölen. And if all goes well, the temperature will be 350 degrees in the game. “But that changes the fabric structure, it is, wenn, it is so wollen, abartig,” warned Jahn.

If you are using natural foods, it is best to cook and make it work. “Transfettsäuren nicht in unseren Organismus und stehen mit sehr kostenlos gesundheitlichen Problemen in Zusammenhang”, says Jahn. You will find it all in Frittierfett, as well as in Margarine.

Buy Bio-Margarine, sagen Fachleute

And yet it is wise to make a diet medicine yourself – so who is vegans and vegans – inzwischen of margarine as butter. One of our products is: There is no Billig-Margarine from Discounter, but a number of organic products and products are produced on the inhaled substances.

Signal Tipp: “If you buy Margarine, it is of high quality, which is best served with Rapsöl and/or Kokosöl and is also more suitable for both Möhrensaft and Mandelmus enthusiastically.”

If you do a research on the hardened and omega-6 fatty acids, it will not be so easy: “Omega 6 was no longer used in the inhalants,” said Jahn. If these were often hinted that Sonnenblumenöl is hidden.

Sein Fazit: “If there is butter in the supermarket, it can end up in the supermarket. They won’t find margarine now.” Aus gesundheitlichen Gründen jedenfalls könne man guten Gewissens Butter nehmen.

If the art dishes from Kühen can no longer cook, it is worth washing Butter with the Hinweis “aus Weidehaltung”. It may be that a man uses an ethical Gründen Margarine: “Then sollte man sich vertraut machen, was on the label steht and sie is best im Bioloaded bought,” said Jahn.

Fuel changes are carried out under the control

Still more than eight hours in the Wahl-strechfetts, some people with high blood fat values. Silke Lorenz-Gürtler said that the butter at the Fettstoffwechselstörungen “a healthy not so favorable Fettzusamensetzung” had. A margarine can give the best results and have a “healthy, uninspired Auswirkungen” experience. Coconut fat is a higher risk factor for Fettleber.

Ihr Fazit: “As a kind of fragment, if the butter is melted, it will taste like: natural! Aber jemandem with a fettstoffwechselstörung würde ich zu a pure Sonnenblumenmargarine raten.”

Anyway, the experts were skilled in a Criterium-punktet Butter fast dipping: at Geschmack. Margarine is won at the Price Comparison.