
The beautiful flair makes it possible

The beautiful flair makes it possible

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The beautiful flair makes it possible
pgs_LPausBuedSchotten_310_4c_1 © Paulina Gertrud Schick

Since the Premiere, the Fest will be very easy to walk with. Enjoy the atmosphere and the bottled products. The etablierte kundenstamm comes with Ausstellern-zugute.

Wenn’s geht, kommen wir jedes Jahr. « Anja Herget from Wolf, her mother Karin Weber from Florstadt and Elke Mäser from Rohrbach is the Freude deutliche anzusehen. Since the threshold is a high point, the Schloss geoffnet, it is a nice place to continue with Sachen. “Wenigstens etwas Kleines gönnt man sich,” said Herget. »Viele Stände sind nicht more da, früher gab es more Blumen, aber de Zeit ist else«, meint Weber. It is a cleaner Tag, which costs 15 Euro, can no longer be found.

»Die Preise sind schon gestiegen«, say four Friends from Büdingen, Schotten, Ortenberg and Nidderau. Trotzdem kommen sie immer wieder gern – weg dem schönen Flair.

Start the day with a cup of coffee

»Wir kommen beste schon 15 Years here«, legends both cousins ​​Rita Klipper and Ernie Habermann from Nieder-Gründau and Ronneburg, die schon früh da since – roads der Hitze. If you are in Eindruck, then the war is in the Anfang veldfältiger war. »It is a beautiful occasion to visit the castle. Dort can be a man who is a good friend, schwarmen Habermann and Klipper. Hermine Vogel and Gudrun Reuter start the Tag with a Kaffee in the inner Schlosshof. The two friends from the Raum Hanau have been in the premiere for 20 years: “Es hat so einen Flair.” A Freunde from the Prinzip is not planning, we will not be einsehen, Eintritt zu zahlen, um auf der Veranstaltung jijätzlich Geld auszugeben, erzählt Reuter. »It filters out something happening. Once a year, man can do that.«

»In the past it goes more Pflanzen, goes a few years further in fashion«, found Carola Königsbaum, the western von Frankfurt who and zusammen with her Schwiegertochter came. If there is a standard, which is special on Rosen or Rhododendren, a Clematis is that on the Landpartie has gone crazy. Once the party has walked, they have both fallen and die of the atmosphere: »A goose tag can be a man here in other words.«

Bunte Ton Figures, the malignant Gesicht, Körper, the Stierköpfe or Engel Darstellen, are a Wolfgang Friedrich and the Frau Ursula Kolbeck-Friedrich in the Erde. The object is with a certain attitude, the background of painting – often with Selbstironie or Gesellschaftskritik with. “There are interesting conversations with artistic interests that are inspired and meaningful,” said Friedrich.

Wine bar in the Altstadt

The Ehepaar comes from the region of the Landpartie-Veranstalter Arnold Emke and Mechthild Wilke, is part of the Feste dabei. Auch in Büdingen and Umgebung gebe es inzwischen zahlreiche Liebhaber ihrer Werke, which still comes. If you want to design, assemble and design everything yourself, set yourself to 24 years, 19 years in those few years. »Wir haben keine Konkurrenz«, said the artist. All in all, the industry is a source of encouragement. Before all China-Ware sales go bad, paint your final destination: “Nach wie vor sind die Leute aberreit, Geld für den Garten auszugeben.”

In »Magnum-Vino«, a large bottle of the Weinhandel, where Wilke and Emke come from Oldenburg, observes Business Manager Stefan Janoske and his Stand an der Wein- und Geussmeile. First during the Landpartie there is a team that knows the team – inzwischen so gut, soft drink »Magnum Vino« At the end of October there is a wine bar in the Altstadt.

Ein Stück weiter verilt Götz Teichert Käse und Schinken zum Trybeeren an vorbeilaufende Gäste and überzeugt auf unterhaltsame Weise mit Wissen über Alter, Herkunft and Besonderheiten der Produkte. De schafft Wiedererkennungswert für »Arturs Gourmet«, mit de Teichert dieses nie 48 Veranstaltungen ist. Man knows that an Australian, the Münsterländer and erklärt auf Nachfrage, dass das Geschäft is “schwer”: “The products were in a certain time, a hotel and a trade. These costs cannot be as great as the costs you can incur .«

Christ – from Anfang an dabei

Am Stand vom Gartencenter Christ, Debora Kircher Pflänzchen rolls in Zeitungspaper and savory Fragen zur Pflege. The Unternehmen department from Stockheim comes from Anfang and the Landpartie, which collaborates with the University of Nancy König.

It is not possible to look up: »The muss in the previous plant and the other products were ordered, our florists make their own decoration. Since we have had a great time with our progress, says König. The Gartencenter is passe jedoch ideal in das Konzept der Landpartie. If you don’t remember how it goes, you are present and for the Werbung. VON PAULINA SCHICK

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