
Fahnenträgerin und Medaillen-Königin: This is how Hamburg fell at the Paralympic Games

Fahnenträgerin und Medaillen-Königin: This is how Hamburg fell at the Paralympic Games

After the Olympic Games, the Paralympic Games started. In Paris, the Wettkämpfe for Sportlerinnen and Sportlers with körperlicher or geistiger has started – with reichliche weiblicher Hamburger Beteiligung. All for: Para-Kanutin Edina Müller (41), who dares to take on the German Fahne at the Eröffnungszeremonie.

“Was for a moment, was for an Ehre. I have enjoyed your Sekunde“, said Fahnenträgerin Müller on Instagram, after seeing the Eröffnungsfeier at the Mittwoch the Deutschland-Flagge über the Champs-Élysées and the Place de la Concorde in Paris is a tragedy.

Edina Müller Holt won four Paralympics medals

The 41-year-old Para-Kanutin vom Hamburger Kanu Club, who won Silver and Gold in Rollstuhl-Basketball and also Silver and Gold in a Kayak and won 2021 as Hamburg’s Sportlerin des Jahres, is one of 143 German Paralympics Athletes in Paris. In the French Hauptstadt kämpfen Müller & Co. now eleven days in 22 different sports and medals.

Para-Kanutin Edina Müller took part in the opening ceremony of the German flag event. IMAGO / Ralf Kuckuck

Para-Kanutin Edina Müller took part in the opening ceremony of the German flag event.

Neben Müller has been part of four other Hamburgers at the Paralympic Games in Paris am Start: the Rollstuhl basketball players Anne Patzwald (35) and Maya Lindholm (33) from the HSV-Mannschaft BG Baskets, para-triathlete Neele Ludwig (33) from the TSG Bergedorf anyway Britta Kripke (47/Alstersport) in Rollstuhl-Rugby. With athlete speaker Mareike Miller (34) played a new Rollstuhl-Basketballer in one of the few Monaten nor in Hamburg, where he started for other players with Tanja Scholz (40/Schwimmen) and Lise Petersen (19/Speerwurf).

Paris Paralympic Games: Criticism of Metro and Seine

“I am very happy, happy and happy,” Schrieb Ludwig wrote before his triathlon on Instagram and spoke of “feeling happy and emotional feelings”. For the big kid-crazed westerner it is worth playing the Paralympics premiere.

Britta Kripke (Photo) played in Rollstuhl-Rugby with team colleague Mascha Mosel in the composite team with their men – the money is in other sports art. image/Beautiful Sport

Britta Kripke (Photo) played in Rollstuhl-Rugby with team colleague Mascha Mosel in the composite team with their men – the money is in other sports art.

Criticism is on the playing field of the Paris Métro-System, which is not barrier-free. While the Seine has a contrasting theme – at Olympia it is about the washing quality, the para-athletes are now going to die for their strong Strömung.