
Adele’s more bombastic Konzertmarathon in Munich ends – Kultur –

Adele’s more bombastic Konzertmarathon in Munich ends – Kultur –

The Adele concerts in Munich were an öknonomic performance work.

The Adele concerts in Munich were an öknonomic performance work.

More Hunderttausend glücklicher Fans, foutleicht noch glücklichere Gastwirte – and take care of Klimaschützer. Munich plays Superstar Adele’s marathon – but the Environmental Protection Agency sees a “climapolitan fiasko”. For the gastronomy they have had “one tolle history” in August. “Who is it for a Summer Day?” said Angela Inselkammer, president of the Bavarian Hotel and Guest House Association in the dpa community.

A statistical and taxable matter has never been so big, so Inselkammer. But: “The hotels were einfach voll – zu sehr guten raten.” The money is no longer for the city of Munich, but for the Umland. In August it was no longer possible to enjoy as a son. “Die Nachfrage oorlogtol en die waren durchaus Gäste, het Geld ausgeben wollten.” And if you see most of the cards, you will see that Anfang August never saw the shows of the British singers again.

For the happy Saturday the last of them is suitable for the expansion of the pop-up stadium in the planted messages. More Hunderttausend Fans have seen the British at their concerts in Munich. Adele – the famous has only just started the Tour and will appear at the European Festland in 2016 – which is in the Bavarian state capital a stadium of its own. Completely on your bed and completely black and white in Adele-Look content. More than 70,000 visitors have a show place here.

And there is no need to take a taxi or bus anymore. The Münchner Wirtschaftsreferent Clemens Baumgärtner (CSU) has done this, the Konzertreihe der Wirtschaft in the City has raised half a million euros. “We are looking forward to seeing more of our local resources for hundreds of millions of euros,” says Manfred Gößl, Head of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) for Munich and Upper Bavaria. “After the concerts of Adele we can summarize our business views: Gastronomy and Hotels, Retail and Souvenirs as well as bus and taxi services from the concert tours suggested, which in this case would not be a day in Munich.”

Less euphoric about the mega-event looks like the climate and climate protection points of the EU climbing pact. “If the first Blick has the Entscheidung, the concert series is one of the statistics of the las, more sustainable than a tour in different cities or such countries”, he is in one of the Mitteilung. If the two Blick but set themselves the Sache was, it would be different.

EU-Klimapakt-Botschafter Julian Vogels had 1,407 visitors who came to Munich. Das Ergebnis: Jeder Vierte (24.3 Prozent) comb per Flugzeug. The duration of carbon dioxide emissions for individuals is worth 41.14 kilos – so it is possible that a person could receive compensation in three years.

It is one of the most popular trips during the 2023 summer tour of the band AnnenMayKantereit (12.44 kilograms). “Adele’s fans are more international, and because of this there is a climate change, because Adele will enjoy a concert series in Munich and a tour”, according to Vogels’ Fazit: “Hätte Adele enjoys playing in a large European city, having a great experience nung deutlich reduce the risk and reduce the risk of people having bad weather.”