
Apple is looking at Widerstand against KI-Datenerfassung confrontation

Apple is looking at Widerstand against KI-Datenerfassung confrontation

Major websites and ads are blocking Apple’s active scraping operations. Apple has used a tool that appeared on the website, the installation of the AI ​​training is complete. This reports Wired.

This tool, called Applebot-Extended, is a form of web crawling bots. The tool gives website access to the possibility, the spoiling of the data in Apple’s AI training processes for prevent. The tool is suitable in this way. Websites can now no longer be used, for most Apples bots that use the website.

The possibility of the AI ​​Training being implemented has generated some active activity. There are many Facebook and Instagram posts in the form of large reference works in the New York Times, the Financial Times and The Atlantic. It is not that it is a small item.

The Opt-out Mechanism

If you want to opt out, you can activate the robots.txt date of a website, the interaction between bots and websites takes a long time. While the data about the Applebot-Extended release is blocked, the Applebot will return to normal functioning.

Although the AI ​​unit is legitimate, this analysis cannot be followed, but the introduction of robots.txt directives is a trade. There are startups from the AI ​​sector, which ignore this direction and exclude websites.

The Apple phenomenon is of course not exclusive. Nalysen deuten darauf hi, dass der Bot von OpenAI von über 50 Prozent der untersuchten Nachrichten-Websites wird, während Googles KI-Bot von fast 43 ährend beblockt.

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