
T-Mobile US Action: Starkes Wachstum und Dividendenerhöhung erwartet ()

T-Mobile US Action: Starkes Wachstum und Dividendenerhöhung erwartet ()

The T-Mobile US stock entered the market on August 31, 2024 at EUR 179.48, resulting in a slight decline of 0.11%. Despite this minimal decline, the stock had a year-to-date performance of +42.69% and was only 2.80% at its 52-week high.

Analysts predict a German dividend payout of EUR 2.60 for the 2024 share price as Aktie, was an attractive dividend yield of 1.54%. This solid financial position of the subordinates and the commitment to the company is undone.

Positivé Aussichten trotz hoher Bewertung

With one of the Curs-Gewinn-Verhältnis (KGV) of 22.01 for 2024 it appears the Aktie will not be good, you will be entitled to the strong Wachstum and the Dividend Röhung the Bevaluation. The Curs-Gewinn-Verhältnis of 2.67 for 2025 is on a number of other Wachstumspotenzial hin.

For a more interesting article, with high reliability, check out T-Mobile US’s robust financing and positive results.


T-Mobile US Promotion: Buy or sell?! New T-Mobile US Analysis from 31. August liefert de Antwort:

The first time T-Mobile US-Zahlen spreads a clear language: Urgent Handlongsbedarf for T-Mobile US-Aktionäre. Do you want to make a purchase or another purchase? In the free analysis on August 31st it was time.

T-Mobile US: Buy or Sell? Read more here…