
Für alle Altersgruppen – Generationenpark in Wiener Neustadt eröffnet

Für alle Altersgruppen – Generationenpark in Wiener Neustadt eröffnet

On a leather ground piece Ecke Eichbüchler Straße/Schnotzendorfergasse graftstand on a round 9.000 square meters a movement arena for young and old. An inexperienced game and sports game with changing Schwerpunkten is given, so a game for people with special beds.

“The Generation Park is a development for the Breitenauer settlement. The unashamed fläche would no longer be suitable for visitors and visitors of all ages. The balance paths and the device for the Kraft paper industry are a good choice. If there is a war going on, it is so that people can cheat and enjoy the park. So put a trampoline and a cart for wheelchair users. Enjoy the new offer,” says mayor Klaus Schneeberger.

The new generation park features the following attractions:

• Kletter-, Balancier- en Spielgeräte for Kinder der verschiedenen Altersgruppen.

• Geräte, could be one of the functional Kraft training activities (here it would be prohibited, if the Geräte would do this, then Rollstuhlfahrer Kräftigungsübungen durchführen could be done).

• Make sure you train the Gleichgewicht.

•Spielgeräte für Personschen met Inträchtigung, who kannn a Trampolin, das genug Platz bereithält, soft drinks on a Rollstuhlfahrer with a Begleitperson, or a Karussell, which were also enjoyed with a Rollstohlfahrer.

Since the whitening will be like this, the construction and understanding will be passed on. They would also be affected by the situation of the Sitz groups. Die Eröffnung would be a spark of a Auftritt of „Theater in Neukloster” with the Stück „Franzl & die 7 Wunder von Wiener Neustadt” umrahmt. Dazu will receive a free claim for the “Eis Greissler” car.

The nächste Fest der Stadt Wiener Neustadt in the Generationenpark is determined – on Friday, September 13, at 4:30 p.m., the Anrainerinnen and Anrainer of the new B54-Unterführung with a “Siedlungsfest” has started with the traffic free of Unterführung eingeladen.