
SOS-Kinderdorf Salzburg celebrates 60 years of service

SOS-Kinderdorf Salzburg celebrates 60 years of service

As eight children’s villages, SOS-Kinderdorf Salzburg has been active for 60 years: 15 families have been established in Seekirchen (Flachgau) since 1964. Enjoy your children with a warm welcome Start your life with a lovely home. When the discovery took place in the year 1969, the British Queen Elizabeth II died.

Either way I have been there – the SOS-Kinderdorf is still alive with young people living in Bergheim and Neumarkt (next to Flachgau) afterward. In Seekirchen you are at the Mutter-Kind-Wohnen.

SOS-Kinderdorf Salzburg as Vorreiter

The war in Salzburg in many cases Reach Forwarder: It is at the foundation of the Clearing-house, in them unaccompanied minors youth are cared for. Thanks to the Bereitschaftspflegedienstes you find babies and small children, while they come from our education, it is not so that they can earn their money, because they have a loving care.

Organization in 138 Ländern active

SOS-Kinderdorf is active in 138 federal states. This means that they will have a good relationship with their children in their lives and that their families will be happy in their lives.

(Source: SALZBURG24)