
Persons who rauchen, ihr Risk, could experience a rethinking process, practically reduced by half.

Persons who rauchen, ihr Risk, could experience a rethinking process, practically reduced by half.

If you gain more insight into your time, and take a few steps back, it will be reduced by half faster.

Individuals, while a long-term corona diagnosis is made and who are so, with the smokes that come up, have a likely prognosis. If you start your risk of re-galvanization or the German Schlaganfälle, when you press the smokes on the ground.

It is no secret that smoking is harmful to prosperity and that the beds can be filled with Krebs, Schlaganfallen and Herzinfarkten. Despite this knowledge, many people continue to smoke because it is a difficult habit to break.

If you notice that warming up with the rauchen, after the diagnosis of a chronic coronare herweight, is neither the vorteilhaft nor the risks that the cardiovascular ereignisse with Herzinfarkte significantly reduces. “Chronic symptoms of chronic illness are associated with a decrease in the coronary arterial structure of calcium support,” explains Ulrich Laufs, Scientific Manager of German Herzstiftung and Director of Cardiology at the Universitätsklinikum Leipzig. If the situation is described as “stable”, there is a danger that no cardiovascular problems will occur during the blockage of the blutgefäße, which will become re-galvanized or damaged.

The Risk-Solcher of the Ereignisse sank within half a year to a fast half (44%) at the Teilnehmern, who then made a diagnosis with the Rauchen on the heart. If people think about the intensity of their efforts, it can mean that they are no longer tempted to look into the future.

Meaning of the first year

The first year after diagnosis was separated by study author Jules Mesnier from the Bichat-Claude Bernard hospital in Paris. 73% of the people die during that period with the emerging risks, damage and loss of health and redundancy due to the risk of heart disease and other serious cardiovascular problems. On the fourth place of the Raucher, the first years that followed, schafften es, it was more logical that it was a life-long diagnosis of the Motivation, with the Rauchen on, said Cardiologist Harm Wienbergen in the Bremen Klinikum Links der Weser.

Patient who does research in this herausfordernden time, researches the diagnosis of the diagnosis, a smoke-free way to our research. If you say that your risk for a “schwerwiegendes Ereignis of Tod” is, a half-yearly undertaking, is a strong Botschaft, betont Mesnier.

Risks for Demenz can be dismissed

Make sure you can increase your risk of renewal and other cardiovascular skills in education by being active, erreichen is not at the risk level of non-traitors for a year, let the study.

The risks you encounter can reach a value of 8% over time, while the amount of water becomes even greater. “A heart attack can be a long-lasting heart failure and flapping fault, the overall function of the heart is damaged,” Wienbergen said.

Those, who with the rauchen aufhören or not damned anfangen, do not consider the risk for ihr Herz, sonondern verringern auch the risk for conditions who demenz and diabetes.

Schaffung een rauchfreien Umgebung

Um Raucher, unabhängig von ihrem Zzustand, zum Aufhören zu ermutigen, empfiehlt Laufs die Schaffung een rauchfreien Umgebung. “Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, jemand erolgreich with dem Rauchen aufhört, hangs davon ab, with Rauchen in his Environment available ist oder nicht,” said there. Some patients may use drug treatment or free treatment therapy. “When my patients wonder, it’s not that they’re losing their hearts,” Mesnier points out. “If you notice a patient, this is their risk for cardiovascular disease.”

The study, which took place at the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) annual congress in London in late August, analyzed data from 32,378 patients who died over the course of 6.5 years before any of the current chronic diagnoses were made. Of these patients, about 13,400 had no smoking, almost 15,000 were permanent smokers and about 4,000 smoked again.

After diagnosing a long-term coronary heart disease, warming up with the risk of a serious cardiovasculature caused by re-zincification or schlaganfälle becomes significant. Individuals, who are critical after the diagnosis of the raw disease, are smoke-free and reduce their risks for heart attack and other schwerwing cardiovascular ereignisse which are quickly halved.

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