
Super Micro Computer: Alarm! ()

Super Micro Computer: Alarm! ()

Dear readers and readers,

The catastrophe at Super Micro Computer will never end. The title is lost in my freitag. Diesmal wurden -4.4% Verbucht. The Kurs has been sucked into the funfünf Tagen and those -30% nights. So the Börsen has undergone a vermeintlichen Skandal reaction.

Super microcomputer: Ganz schwierig

The Kurse des Unternehmens were auch zuvor schon schwach. Jetzt since sie besonders schwach. The title is valid from 800 euros with 50% purchase price.

When the reaction to the big demand arises, the analysts or all investors are busy with a view to the most progressive perspective. The young people can reach the market with the manipulations that occur when they are “möglich”.

You can use the unit and the navy to keep the group working for a year with care provided.

I think there is a short seller that offers no possibility, but there is a short position in it. The Short Seller hat in a “study” for all concrete, that is the way bilanz manipulation is done at Super Micro Computer.

The external team may have a faulty operation. It seems that it is no longer so. If you make short-seller davon profitable, a soller Suspect is arrested. Here is the thing, the short-seller is one of the most sold versions or less sure davon can cause a change in strength.

Now, however, the notes are still weak. If the last time the best comes out of the Luft flight, this is not the case. A formula is a requirement. It may be that the years are no longer legitimate and have not been completed. Damit has Super Micro Computer and the Börsen the starting shot for a gigantic Slide event.

The notifications are now in one of the clear trends.

Take a quick look at the title!

There is no question of a bad experience. If the graphical technical brings the price of 500 euros on the market, that trend may be okay, but that Marke is getting a bit lame.

This is because the technical analysts do not intend to do this. The 100-day line is no longer available. Also the GD200 for the long-term trend – a 200-day line – is unterkreuzt. It is not possible to swing more than 50% in on German.

The trend could also be a bad sign. It is wise for the investors not to go any further. The mood is also bad. If you do not know that Dell has achieved a good goal: KI-Server has a traveling withdrawal. The industry immunity supports the ways of Bilanz here.

Recent Analysts do not appear to have any insight into this!

Buy, stop or sell – Ihre Super Micro Computer-Analysis from 31.08. loves that Antwort:

Who else would like to use the Super Micro Computer? Is your money safe in this Action? The answers to these fragments and the war you can do to trade in the active analysis of Super Micro Computer Action

Super Micro Computer: Buy or Sell? Read more here…
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