
Upper Franconia – Sieben Menschen at Fire in Mehrfamilienhaus verletzt – Bavaria

Upper Franconia – Sieben Menschen at Fire in Mehrfamilienhaus verletzt – Bavaria

Marktredwitz (dpa/lby) – Sieben Menschen since bei a Kellerbrand in Upper Franconia are likely to be lost. It is a matter of a long breath on the night of the Samstag in the Keller of the Treppenhauses, while you are a police officer. Der Rauch sei then during the entire Treppenhaus after being sucked.

Residents of the Mehrfamilienhauses in Marktredwitz (Wunsiedel district in Fichtelgebirge) notice the Rauch and inform the Feuerwehr. Roads of the verrauchten Treppenhauss, the Einsatzkräfte demnach one of the 25 residents with a Drehleiter aus ihren Wohnungen retten. Sanitäter brought the human ways of the thought on a Rauchgasvergiftung in a Krankenhaus. A 15-year-old boy who seems to have lost his ability to cope with jumping into a window. A 33 year old woman has had a shock, this is another time. Both were taken to a psychiatric hospital.

Zur Sicherheit has the einsatzkräfte on two other Wohnhäuser-evakuiert. The residents who both have homes, after the fire resulted in war, could live in their homes. The house, in the brand itself, is now unoccupied. Those residents see at Nachbarn and Verwandten anyway in a Hotel untergekommen, this is more. Damages are estimated from 50,000 to 100,000 euros.

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