
This promise is launched in the Jawort

This promise is launched in the Jawort

Hochzeit by Märtha Louise von Norwegen
This promise is launched in the Jawort

Princess Märtha Louise and Durek Verrett live in Western Norway.

Princess Märtha Louise and Durek Verrett live in Western Norway.

© imago/PPE

In Geiranger you will find the Hochzeit of Märtha Louise von Norwegen statt. It can be a friend of Royals from Ausland.

Prinzessin Märtha Louise von Norwegen, 52, and Durek Verrett, 49, inherited on August 31. You will find this Eheschließung in the Hotel Union in Geiranger, in Western Norway, statt. The Feierlichkeiten continue during the Donnerstag.

Insgesamt since laut “Hello!” bovine 350 Gäste beim Jawort derboth dabei, darunter die drei Töchter von Märtha Louise – Maud, 20, Leah, 18, and Emma, ​​​​15, – anyway die Eltern der Braut, König Harald V., 87, and Königin Sonja, 87, and his Bruder, Kronprinz Haakon, 51, and dessen Frau, Kronprinzessin Mette-Marit, 51.

Victoria and Sofia shine as Gäste

Also foreign Royals have arrived at the Zeremonie. The Swedish royal family best news in the past of the heyday of Crown Princess Victoria, 47, and her husband, Prince Daniel, 50, as well as Prince Carl Philip, 45, and wife Princess Sofia, 39. Victoria was at her Ankunft “Hello!” if you are a schulterfree, coral-colored leg dress with bottom length Rock-inspired, your hair will be a more elegant high court. Sofia is insulted in a garment in bright orange, while the men from Sweden have a classic black Anzüge setzten.

Für Märtha Louise von Norwegen is die zwei Ehe. From 2002 to 2017, the war with the author Ari Behn (1972-2019) was fierce, but there was a battle between them. From 2018, the couple has officially been together with the American-American Durek Verrett, from 2022 the couple has been engaged.

“I had decided not to return once again. But after I learned Durek 2018, I changed my mind,” the Braut said in a “Hello” interview for the Hochzeit. “Before I besiege the inheritance, it is no longer possible. It is a power, the energy that is there and in a new phase that is ended.” For the time being, it is “one of the spiritual matters,” as the magazine says.

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