
Summer anniversary:: Perfect beds and a new record on 15. Karwendelmarsch

Summer anniversary:: Perfect beds and a new record on 15. Karwendelmarsch

The Karwendelmarsch war in the anniversary year: In its 15th. Inflatable event on August 31, 2024 in bright sunshine and summer conditions. Knapp 2500 hiking and mountain skiing enthusiasts from 23 nations take on the challenge and a force themselves on the 35 bzw. 52 kilometer long road from Scharnitz to Pertisau. When I see the Briton Thomas Roach, I see a new Fabelzeit of 3:57:30 in the Sieg. If the woman passes the German Maike Drieb-Schön with a time of 4:52:48, she can do that.

SCHARNITZ/ACHENSEE (red). Pünktlich at 6 o’clock tomorrow field of Startschuss in Scharnitz at 964 Metern Meereshöhe. Die Teilnehmer der 52-Kilometer-Strecke meisterten insgesamt 2281 Höhenmeter, voor sie das Ziel in Pertisau am Achensee erreichten. Aber on the 35-kilometer-Strecke mustste man einiges leisten: the Läuferinnen and Läufer and hatten im Ziel in der Eng under the 1500 Höhenmeter behind them.

Great Nachfrage nach Startplätzen

The starting point for the 15th Karwendel march, organized by Achensee Tourismus and the Seefeld Region – Tyrol High Plateau, was in record time. The race day itself was one of the Gesamtteilnehmern and a Drittel motivated Trailrunner and the Rest Marcher bzw. Wanderer am Start. The stretch through the Karwendel Mountains and the summer distributions get a wicked atmosphere and power over the anniversary of the legend of an unparalleled history.

Exciting Races and new Streckenrecord

Such a karwendelmarsch could get started with a new streak record with a wahren Fabelzeit. The British Sieger Thomas Roach (AK Rückenwind, A) was in full view of the situation: “I was in a position to be able to cope with my soul and was able to cope with it, so I was able to cope with the pain of my soul.” Alexander Rainer (Glorify Unbreakable, A) and Dritter were the former Toni Seewald (SC Gaißach, D) who had a strong Leistung zeigte. In the Ladies category, Maike Drieb-Schön (LAZ Rhein-Sieg, D) is at his first trail launch with a time of 4:52:48 and a big jump on the Zweitplatzierte Sophia Moosbrugger (Asics Frontrunner/MaKA training, A). Third was Verena Hohenrainer (A) with a time of 5:23:27. For the “Marschierer” who wages war during the impressive Karwendel Mountains of the most important Ziel – and of course the Stimmung runs a DAS Volkssport event in Tyrol.

Treue Partner, freiwillige Helfer, nachhaltige Initiativen

Beim 15. Karwendelmarsch wurden auch weitere nachhaltige Bausteine ​​​​integriert; The Finisher gifts for all teilnehmerinnen are displayed with upcycled banners and the medals, so that the prize class is removed from the Holz class. First time visitors to the holiday festival. Tirol in the heart of the holiday.
Martin Tschoner, Geschäftsführer of Achensee Tourismus, thanked the many volunteers Helferinnen and Helfern at the Strecke and the Labestationen: “Ohne ihr Engagement wäre der Karwendelmarsch nicht possible. If you see that the Veranstaltung in Einklang continues with nature. Sustainable projects and plans in the Karwendel nature park “Spuren der Artenvielfalt” include nature conservation and a number of special sports items. “Elias Walser, Managing Director of the Seefeld region – Tyrol’s high plateau, has formed the long-term partnerships for the event region: “The Unterstützung is a long-term partner that researches the Grundstückseigentümer and the Hütten in the Karwendel Nature Park, is a vital component for the heritage of the Karwendelmarschs. But also the nature park itself and a whole series of long-standing faithful partners represent an important foundation for the inheritance of our Karwendelmarschs.”

Anniversary event for Sport and Environmental Protection

Karwendelmarsch with Streckenrekord: 4:04:07 Beautiful